"Arguing" is always a waste of time. It would be nice if we could have some honest, rational discussions but, unfortunately, I find people who's beliefs are based on emotion, not facts or logic, are incapable of doing so.
It is normal for people to choose a set of beliefs and then to believe they've made the right choice even when they haven't. It's OK to be passionate about your beliefs. But in the *** you have to put emotion aside and think rationally.
What drives me nuts is people who spew obvious talking points, nothing more, provide no evidence to back them up then dismiss your views when you calmly provide them with full support, copious evidence, etc.
The best counter arguments I see used against me boil down to these broad categories:
1) "nuh-UHHHH!"
2) Personal attacks against me that do not address the issues at hand. (Well you're wrong because you're a misogynist racist bigot *********. Even if I were ANY of those, and I'm not, being those things has no bearing on whether I'm right or wrong about something.)
3) Repeated claims I said things that I never said, things that no one (but the liberal arguing with me) ever said.
4) Already refuted talking points (the famous "Climate change is real because 97% of all scientists agree it is" would be one ...
"Arguing" is always a waste of time. It would be nice if we could have some honest, rational discussions but, unfortunately, I find people who's beliefs are based on emotion, not facts or logic, are incapable of doing so.
It is normal for people to choose a set of beliefs and then to believe they've made the right choice even when they haven't. It's OK to be passionate about your beliefs. But in the *** you have to put emotion aside and think rationally.
What drives me nuts is people who spew obvious talking points, nothing more, provide no evidence to back them up then dismiss your views when you calmly provide them with full support, copious evidence, etc.
The best counter arguments I see used against me boil down to these broad categories:
1) "nuh-UHHHH!"
2) Personal attacks against me that do not address the issues at hand. (Well you're wrong because you're a misogynist racist bigot *********. Even if I were ANY of those, and I'm not, being those things has no bearing on whether I'm right or wrong about something.)
3) Repeated claims I said things that I never said, things that no one (but the liberal arguing with me) ever said.
4) Already refuted talking points (the famous "Climate change is real because 97% of all scientists agree it is" would be one of the best current examples of this - first of all it's a lie and second of all it's a political argument not a scientific one and finally NOBODY SAID CLIMATE CHANGE WAS NOT REAL!)
EXAMPLE: In another forum, a 'liberal' said he bet I believed that, on 9/11, planes knocked the buildings down. I've never heard anyone, other than that liberal, claim that.
It is good to be able to share opinions, to maybe **** off some steam doing so, but unfortunately many don't do so very well - all they prove is they don't have the capacity to think for themselves (see the responses I typically get from liberals, listed above).