You're not losing your rights. The only people telling you this are ones who are either deceived or out to take away the rights of others. The want it so only their specific faith gets any rights and everyone else can go hang. They often do this by pretending persecution and wars on their favorite commercialized holidays. (Please not a lack of War on Easter or Passover, the two least popular religious holidays) You can still pray in school, and if you let others have a voice too, you can have your religious display on public lands. What you're not allowed to do is violate the constitution or bill of rights. The First Amendment protects everyone, not just religious group X. This is not a Christian nation, but a nation that is majority christian. The difference between them? Here your faith is protected from everyone else. Nobody can legally force you to convert or decovert. Nobody can legally harm, or discriminate against you due to your faith. That includes those if us lacking in religion as well. In a Christian nation, you would be forced into obeying the tenants of the only state sponsored sect if Christendom. All others would be outlawed, and we have historical records of how those laws are enforced. So be glad to be a Christian in the United States, for here you are safer than you've ever been. Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year.