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in Living by
The growing number of people who don't identify as part of an organized
religion speaks to an increasing wariness of labels in our culture. Yet at
the same time many confess to be pagans, atheists an agnostic.Are
educational institutions in violation of the rights of christians to ackowlege
their faith, at the same time permitting the expression of others that
voice and practice their beliefs. If citizens are required to pay taxes
for said public insitutions, should'nt, don't they have rights also?

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34 Answers

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Christian has always had far more rights than any other group in society. Yet now that other groups are asking for the exact same rights that christian have, christians seem to think they are losing something.

When everyone gets the exact same right you do, the only thing you have lost is your pride and ego.
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In the fun and humor section on Christmas day, really?
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There is no reason or truth in religion. Only blindness to those who follow like lemmings.
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Rose, sounds like their is an ******* on reason? Yes.
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Atheism, Buddhism, Judaism, etc. are also REAL. But none can prove their belief.
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Neither thanks.
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Sorry, I don't decide what I believe. I believe what is evidently true. If you believe in any ***/****, that is religion. Religion is defined as a dogmatic belief in a divine spirit or spirits. If you take the bible as true, that is religion.
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What chapter and verse was it said in where christians are called upon to "have as n answer to any questioner or doubter" and to "spread th eff Good Word" again?
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Or neither.
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Feel free to make any ********* you like. If you want others to believe it you will need to be prepared to debate.
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I care about truth.
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If you believe that Jesus is a personal ***, then you are talking about religion. The definition of religion is belief in and / or worship of a personal ***.
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So true, practicing my faith is a blessing to myself and others. Thanks Rose

Quick Quiz: http://www.leestrobel.com/Ans...
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Thank you Sister Jean
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I don't see how Christians are losing their religious freedom. They can still be Christians. For what I know, no one is saying "you cannot be Christian", and Christianity is still one of the most practices religion in the world, isn't it? Just because now people can choose other paths without being looked down by that choice, it does not mean Christianity is losing its freedom*.
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No, you are not losing your religious freedom. Yes, you have a right to your faith. The same way everyone else has a right to their own faith. No one is telling you not to be a Christian. Don't go around telling other people not to be who/what they are, and you will receive the same courtesy.
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Christians are not losing anything
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Interesting question...

"Are educational institutions in violation of the rights of christians to acknowledge
their faith, at the same time permitting the expression of others that voice and practice their beliefs?"

How can "educational institutions" keep me from "acknowledging" my faith? Especially when we all have the Freedom Of Expression?... Many educational institutions offer "faith based" classes. Heck, when I was in high school I took a class on Christianity and we studied the Bible as our textbook for the class. It was a good class and our teacher was very neutral about the whole course. She never tried to persuade anyone to believe in her interpretations of the Bible (even though it was obvious that she was a Christian). She just gave us the info and told us to decide for ourselves what we chose to believe or not believe. It was a great class even though several students (and myself) had a lot of problems with some of the info contained in the Bible and we interpreted what we read.

Anyway, I just don't see how my rights are being "violated" by educational institutions. I'm not a religious person anymore, but when I was, I never came across any schools (in high school or college) that tried to limit my "expression" of my faith. But that is just my experience. YMMV.

Good question, though...
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These biased answers though. A simple yes or no would have been nice. Regardless, Christians are not losing their religious freedoms. They have extra rights that they should not have. If you get a Christian plaque in a government institution, EVERY OTHER RELIGION gets it too. But Christians don't want to take it down, and don't want to share the space. And then they play the victim card when called out on their hypocrisy.
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...Interesting points!
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Of course Christians have a right to worship as they please.
But nobody has a right to use public propery or funds to advance their religion, unless all faiths (or lack of faith) enjoy the same.
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Agreed! I couldn't have said it better!...
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...why do christians always pretend to be oppressed just because everyone else isn't kissing their *****??...I have the secular right to NOT be a part of their delusions...that's why I have a problem with that "creationism" mythology taught in schools...if you want that shoved up your kids, drag them to church...
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Christian has always had far more rights than any other group in society. Yet now that other groups are asking for the exact same rights that christian have, christians seem to think they are losing something.

When everyone gets the exact same right you do, the only thing you have lost is your pride and ego.
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Yes you have the right to practice your faith, but other people believing different things has nothing to do with your own beliefs
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You're not losing your rights. The only people telling you this are ones who are either deceived or out to take away the rights of others. The want it so only their specific faith gets any rights and everyone else can go hang. They often do this by pretending persecution and wars on their favorite commercialized holidays. (Please not a lack of War on Easter or Passover, the two least popular religious holidays) You can still pray in school, and if you let others have a voice too, you can have your religious display on public lands. What you're not allowed to do is violate the constitution or bill of rights. The First Amendment protects everyone, not just religious group X. This is not a Christian nation, but a nation that is majority christian. The difference between them? Here your faith is protected from everyone else. Nobody can legally force you to convert or decovert. Nobody can legally harm, or discriminate against you due to your faith. That includes those if us lacking in religion as well. In a Christian nation, you would be forced into obeying the tenants of the only state sponsored sect if Christendom. All others would be outlawed, and we have historical records of how those laws are enforced. So be glad to be a Christian in the United States, for here you are safer than you've ever been. Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year.
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Secularisation of the civil sphere and losing one's right to be a Christian are not synonymous.
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Christian has always had far more rights than any other group in society. Yet now that other groups are asking for the exact same rights that christian have, christians seem to think they are losing something.

When everyone gets the exact same right you do, the only thing you have lost is your pride and ego.
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Sorry about that, Thanks for letting me know John