Boy have you been brainwashed. It may take two to cause a pregnancy but it only takes one to get an abortion even if the man wants the baby. You liberals are the control freaks and you couldn't care less about the rights of others or even a persons right to live. I don't know anyone that is "anti-abortion", however, I do know a lot of people that are pro-life and you know what? Not one of those pro-life people is a liberal fanatic.
You liberal idiots think that everything that anyone does is about control because everything that you do IS about control. You have no regard to human life what-so-ever.
You have such a distorted view on Central America. You ****** that they are going back to be killed because you believe all of the lies that this administration and the main stream media throws at you. Those ******** didn't come here so that they wouldn't be killed. They came here for free food, housing, education and government grants.
You have soaked it all in kook line and sinker. I feel sorry for you.