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in Living by
Because there seem to be a lot of abusive,. rude Christians out there. Some of them who use ****** language and pictures that are ****** gestures. So maybe I don't get what Christianity is or maybe that's just the new norm.

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39 Answers

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Christians make mistakes... I ask for forgiveness for those that act irresponsibly, and UnChrist like. Don't judge all Christians by the action of a few.

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I would refer you to "James" in the Bible. Jesus referred to him as "The Son of Thunder" because of his temper.

If Jesus could put up with someone like that, who are you to worry about it?
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It takes no courage to act like an ***...1st the people you described have their own issues, the behavior you described is NOTHING like Chridt, so it seems they need to study the teachings of Jesus and adjust thier behavior befor the call themelves that....But grace is given to all...
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the thing that always comes back to me is "...for all have sinned and fallen short ..." isnce each of us is capable, and even likely, to make an *** of ourselves now and then, there can be no one that is "more Christian" than anyone else
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Christians seem to be as a whole fairly hypocritical. They read love and understanding, but scream hatred and harm..
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Not all of them, just CINO's.
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A genuine Christian will not use abusive or foul language and neither will they be rude.
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I'm a Christian and feel Christian behavior is part of my Christianity!
Bulyling or Imosing my believes onto others would be unchristian!
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What their problem is that they go balistic when asked questions about their Fairy tales that they have no answers for, they get mad and blame the person asking the questions?
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We Christians are suppose to be following Christ, & desiring to be like Him. Having opposite temperament like you expressed, shows a need to get counseling-fast. No way should a Christian act like that to others, & profess themselves to be a Christian. If a person is struggling with their issues, & has a temporary "lapse", it's different, & they probably wouldn't be making a public example of themselves acting un-christian.

Jesus was humble, loving, willing to die for all mankind, & ******* the suffering of the cross, for us. The fruits of His Spirit are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, temperance, & faith.

Having His Spirit in us helps us to have His Nature, but it's a process-life long.
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Christians make mistakes just like everyone else; the thing is, they know all they have to do to be forgiven is ask with penitence in their hearts.
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Crazy Christian, crazy Muzzie, crazy Jew, they are all nuts.
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Someone who has been a Christian for very long will not use foul language. George Washington did not tolerate the use of foul language from his men. Remember that our founders were Christians and went to war with tyrants so that we could worship anywhere and anytime without the anti-religious tyranny.

Don't expect Christians to whimper, whine, and then leave.

BUT, the early Christian disciples DID call the heathen out for what they were. They did not tolerate evil. Too many "Christians" today tolerate evil behavior. Those people are NOT Christians.
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Our Founders were Not Christians.. only a couple were. the rests were DIESTS...
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Christians are just human like everyone with fears and failures. They are just saved that's all
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Christian's are FORGIVEN, not perfect.
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>>>there seem to be a lot of abusive,. rude Christians out there<<<

Well, how many is "a lot"? Where is your empirical evidence? Where is your proof?

Aren't you atheists big on empirical evidence and proof? (Your profile says you're an atheist.)

Why, then, do you give yourself permission to make a sweeping, generalized claim ("there are a lot of abusive rude Christians") without offering any evidence or proof to back it up?

I just love it how atheists demand proof and evidence from others -- but then excuse THEMSELVES from that requirement whenever it's convenient.
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Your beliefs dont make you a better person
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Anyone can be pushed to a verbal breaking point. It's called venting, and supposedly is healthy, but It means neither. Are the abusive atheists or progressive liberals more so because they do? I think they just have less self-control.
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DUH that's what their book teaches!!! XD
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Now i'm just waiting to cross off...

"Find hope for generation FINALLY growing a brain."
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There is no such thing as more or less Christian. You either are or you aren't.
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Christians that are always *** Blessing everyone, quoting scriptures, trying to make others think they are so good, and then when someone crosses them, they start with the cussing, hateful remarks, these so-called Christians.give the real Christians a bad name. They aren't Christians they are hypocrites.
0 votes
You took the words right out of my mouth. As I've gotten older and wiser, I've realized there seems to be more Christian hypocrites than there are true, so called, good Christians. I have to included some family members in this group. This is the main reason , when asked, I just say I'm not into organized religions. After yesterdays question regarding being a Pagan, I didn't realize until I did some research that I fall into that category. It's not like I need to find a label for myself, it's just nice to know when someone asks. I love *** and believe Jesus was and still is an enlightened being, and a Great Teacher, but as far as all the religious Dogmas that are in place, I don't agree with them. Love really is the answer, certainly not fear and hate.
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<!-- I hope that there are some open-minded Christians out there, but I haven't met them yet. <br> <br> <br>You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. <br> <OBJECT orig_size="425x355" width="350" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="1339544370.38" height="292"><param name="allowNetworking" value="internal"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never"/><param name="enableJSURL" value="false"/><param name="enableHREF" value="false"/><param name="saveEmbedTags" value="true"/><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/DCX3ZNDZAwY&amp;rel=1&amp;autoplay=0"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/DCX3ZNDZAwY&amp;rel=1" allowNetworking="internal" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="never" enableHREF="false" height="292" width="350" enableJSURL="false" autostart="false" orig_size="425x355" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/></OBJECT> -->I hope that there are some open-minded Christians out there, but I haven't met them yet.

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
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You've just met one...............ME!
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There's one thing I can check off of my Bucket List.
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lol Glad I made your bucket list. lol
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lol Now that might be a little ******. But I wish you luck. lol
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I'm turning to Jainism! XD
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I may as well just face it, it's not going to happen. XD
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Smart lady. lol lol
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No wonder they say that the world's going to *** in 2012...
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Given the fact that most of them are like that I'm going to say that is very Christian like.
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A true Christian would simply turn the other cheek. Thats what Jesus would tell you to do, and it is what Martin Luther King Jr. would say to do. Ghandi as well. **** to argue with those guys.
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Martin Luther King Jr. and. Ghandi both learned the policy of non violence from Jainism and not from Christianity.
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Here is a cleaned up version of someone else's post. He has labeled his religion as Christian on His page. The parts in quotation marks are where I have cleaned up the language because I'm more polite,. and I don't want to have my account cancelled.

Don't forget morally.

That too. ;-)

PS - In my opinion ""reproducing with"" an atheist would be like ""reproducing with" with pond scum. Only it would be half as enjoyable. And with the pond scum, you'd only get a nasty rash.
