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Gorgeous "Big Love" actress Ginnifer Goodwin has a big secret: She was a chubby kid. And she's been on Weight Watchers since age 9!

"I really did go through a period when I was very little when I remember realizing that vegetables did not come out of the ground deep-fried," the 32-year-old Memphis-born star tells Health magazine. "I changed my eating habits in fourth grade because I was a heavy little girl, and I was unhappy."

We all know ********* obesity is a big problem. But is it normal to be on Weight Watchers in fourth grade? Goodwin doesn't seem to see anything unusual about it.

"I have been a member of Weight Watchers for 23 years, and I’m back on it right now. It’s the only thing on the planet that doesn’t dehydrate you or just make you miserable," she says.

The refreshingly open actress says she still struggles with her "hips and upper thighs," though she never had a "dramatic" weight problem.

"It’s just that I tend to indulge, and then I need to get back on track so I can ****** my pants," she confesses.

If we had a 9-year-old daughter, we probably wouldn't send her to Weight Watchers, but we do admire Goodwin's honesty.

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39 Answers

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I was a fatass till I was 13.
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I was thin but I highly doubt it was inherited (lol). We were very active in swimming and gymnastics from the age of 6 to 16. I think I could have easily been a chunky kid, but not chubby if not involved in sports the way we were. ********* obesity today is a big issue, but I think it's due to inactivity, fast food and video games. In our household video games are allowed, but only after dinner & homework is completed. During the summer months and for the first 9 weeks of school no video games are allowed.
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I was the fat kid in school and I'm fat as an *****, And I don't worry about it.
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No not thin...skinny and I was made fun of like people called me only skin and bones....it really got me down some kids totally stuffed food in their mouths and those kids were pretty chubby. I didn't understand why everybody called me mean names...I could come up with a million mean names for the kids who made fun of me but I never said anything mean cause that just means I would be sinking down to their level and I didn't want that....
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I was a thin kid. I didn't put on weight until 10 years after my hysterectomy, at 40. I've gradually add weight every year until I am 75 lbs. overweight. I hate being this fat! I don't care so much how I look, I want to feel better.
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At worst, I was average weight. Always under.
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I have always been slender.
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I'm slender now and always have been. I can't gain weight no matter how much I eat.
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I've always been a bean pole
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I was very short and reasonably thin, but kind of round-ish, so I looked bigger than I actually was.
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I've always been extra healthy!
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I was skinny when skinny wasnt cool skinny skinny cool skinny red head boy
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I was not just thin, but skinny... I was called bones I was so thin, but I had a tummy, one of my sisters said I looked like one of those malnourished poor African kids, skinny legs and arms big belly, ahh I have seen pictures of me and my belly was not bloated out like that, but hehe I have a picture of me sitting on a fence with my legs twined around each other and I am wearing a little top and shorts and hehe I see three rolls of fat on my tummy but my legs and arms are skinny as can be and I was like 5 or 6 there. But nowadays lots of kids are chubby I wonder if it is from sall the hormones in the drinking water.

But I can see getting a 9 year old into Weight Watchers if it looks as though they could be gaining too much weight, I see nothing wrong with that because it gets tougher and tougher to lose weight as one gets older and bad eating habits are tough to break and some Weight Watchers food is not half bad, one of my sisters is big and she used to be on Weight Watchers and she would buy their ***********, man those were soooo good! If I had a ***** who I feared could get obese I would want them on some good diet, it just is not worth letting a ***** get too big, not only because of the health issues that will arise later in life, but also because kids are so cruel to ...
I was not just thin, but skinny... I was called bones I was so thin, but I had a tummy, one of my sisters said I looked like one of those malnourished poor African kids, skinny legs and arms big belly, ahh I have seen pictures of me and my belly was not bloated out like that, but hehe I have a picture of me sitting on a fence with my legs twined around each other and I am wearing a little top and shorts and hehe I see three rolls of fat on my tummy but my legs and arms are skinny as can be and I was like 5 or 6 there. But nowadays lots of kids are chubby I wonder if it is from sall the hormones in the drinking water.

But I can see getting a 9 year old into Weight Watchers if it looks as though they could be gaining too much weight, I see nothing wrong with that because it gets tougher and tougher to lose weight as one gets older and bad eating habits are tough to break and some Weight Watchers food is not half bad, one of my sisters is big and she used to be on Weight Watchers and she would buy their ***********, man those were soooo good! If I had a ***** who I feared could get obese I would want them on some good diet, it just is not worth letting a ***** get too big, not only because of the health issues that will arise later in life, but also because kids are so cruel to each other to begin with why give cruel kids more ammo by allowing your ***** to be an easy target? Plus teaching good and healthy eating habits at a young age to your ******** is truly a sign of very good parenting.
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I was quite obese until my freshman year in high school.
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i had the worst toothpick legs
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I was thin, but my sister just 18 months younger than me was always heavy; and we ate at the same table and ate the same thing.
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Still am ^.^
But I evened out quite a lot since I was younger and lost quite a bit of weight. I'm still chubbeh, but I stopped pretending that being a toothpick was the source of all happiness.
I'm healthier and a ******* lot happier :D
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Yes. xD Still am, except evened out a little better.
I am a fluffeh person. Fluffies unite! :3
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i was short and thin but my sister sure is a chubby kid
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No...but when I was 11, I popped a chubby...
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Ginnifer is thin now because she smokes cigarettes... so you should, too!

ginny smoking
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No I was actually forced to eat as some point when I was a kid. Some nights I'd get a waken up just to a glass of milk or eat something. I have learned to have a much better appetite too much sometimes I think. lol.
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i weighed around 100 pounds in the beginning of 5th grade
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Every baby has baby fat. It is normal. Once you get older, you start to loss your baby fat. It is normal.
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Yes, I was chubby. Amazingly,.. I grew up to be thin ;)
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All that crack you smoke.
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When I wuz a kid,there were very few to none fat kids. If you were overweight you got razzed unmercifully. We called you "tubby","chubby", "blubber ****","fatty","lard-***" and all kinds of derogatory names. Realistically,I was a farm boy and that lifestyle did not lend itself to gaining weight. No tv,no video games,etc,we were active from sun-up to sun-down. Uh! Forgot......no McDonalds,either!
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I was only about 6 lbs when born, never hit 100 lbs until I was pregnant. I've always loved vegetables, I think I ate only carrots for a year when I was about 5.

lbs pregnant ive loved vegetables ate carrots year 5 carrot person
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stick girl
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I was a big baby, let alone kid. Every picture from my ********* I have chubby cheeks.But it wasn't because I didn't eat right, or my parents didn't feed me right. I ate, and still eat more vegetables and fruits than most people...
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My parents even have pics of me and my chubby hands stuffing candy down my mouth. It's embarassing:(
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Tall .. thin .. athletic (participated in a LOT of sports).

We also have to remember that was decades ago .. and yes, there were times we went to bed hungry (because we couldn't afford more food until our parents got the next paycheck.. and the previous year's canned foodstocks were used up).
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I actually didn't get fat till my forties. ahem, I mean, "Chubby."

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I wasnt fat nor thin. I always danced and ran, i was pretty much a veg head.
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I was chunky as a kid and thinned out as an *****. I'm at a fairly average weight, but I'm still kind of built like a tank.
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I was chubby. And I got picked on A LOT!!!!
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yes i was chubby
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I was a little stick of a kid...and hated it.
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I was a fat baby and then poof super skinny from about age 2 to present.