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Can Barbie dolls be for boys and Legos be for girls? Amazon says "Why not?" The giant e-commerce company has done away with the "Boys" and "Girls" toy departments on its site.

Annette Shaff / Shutterstock.com

Now, everyone can peruse a plethora of different ********'s toys without being bogged down to only a certain type. Jezebel writes that "Amazon has, in their own subtle way, announced to the world that boys and girls can play with whatever toys they please, and that’s pretty cool."

What do you think about Amazon getting rid of their gender-centric toy section? Is it awesome or was it unnecessary?

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38 Answers

0 votes
Toys are toys.

Toys don't come with gender or ***. They are toys.

I played with Barbie and My Little Pony as often as I played with Hot Wheels and He-Man. You want to know what is TRULY unnecessary?

Separating ********'s toys by ***.
0 votes
Somebody though it was important enough to post here
and Amazon thought it important enough to implement
0 votes
Kinda silly.
0 votes
I think categories are a necessity - especially on a website with as many products as Amazon. I do agree that many toys should not be gender specific, but when shopping online the "girls or boys" categories can be a real time saver for the one doing the shopping.
0 votes
But, I still won't shop on Amazon because they treat their workers like slaves. There's a fulfillment center near me and I've heard a lot of bad things about it.
0 votes
Extremely unnecessary. I emailed their support center to complain about it. I encourage others to do the same. This country is border lining insanity and ppl apparently r to stupid or holding too tightly to the band wagon to notice it. Schools r already being threatened w loss of funding by the federal government if they don't add a *********** bathroom. And I blame this president. Of course bc his daughters will never be affected by his society liberalism policies but the rest of the country will
0 votes
gender roles are stupid and inaccurate and disgusting. this obviously isn't fixing the ignorant terrible parents who scream at their sons for picking up a doll because that's a "girl toy" but it's an awesome step.
0 votes
Does it matter in the grand scheme of things?I think that what the Muslim murderers are doing and our unsecure borders are more important.
0 votes
What in the world does that have to do with ********'s toys?
0 votes
They're man bags
0 votes
ohh! it's soooo horrible! yeah, ok...
oh! heavens! *** forbid boys be boys and girls be girls!
0 votes
*** forbid a ***** plays with whatever toy they want without worrying that somebody will think less of them for it
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naw, you progs just want to make everything unisex. soon, the this will happen to the clothing departments.
0 votes
Do you object to women wearing pants?
0 votes
I'm Amish, of course I do! no, I'm just kidding.
0 votes
Going to make it ****** to filter, but what the hey, if you know what you want, what does it matter...........
0 votes
Why do big follow the dumb liberal progressive ideology
0 votes
"Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; " Luke 10:4 NIV
Back then, it was (mainly) men who carried purses
0 votes
next thing you know, they'll be trying to sell men purses!
0 votes
As a parent, I'll decide what toys to give my ********. The boys and girls division is just a way to quickly scan a category. Now, I have to scan through more items I would never give a boy or girl? I lean toward educational toys, while keeping my ears open to something they truly want.

What's next... men and women's clothing?

Multiple studies show boys and girls gravitate naturally to the toys that interest them. As they will in most everything in life. So, don't force it.
0 votes
People don't need to be that much restricted in their panel of choices. You may be surprised to find something interesting outside of what you're usually looking into.

I wonder whether there was a "neutral" category before... and if not (I guess so), where were the LEGO put into? Don't tell me they were among boy's toys!
0 votes
Boys are boys and girls are girls, and giving in to liberals whining for Political Correctness is not only stupid, it makes Amazon a bunch of sissies.
0 votes
Gleaming from the experience as a young participant, some things mattered a whole lot while other things never get a real hold on our attentions. In spite of what has been determined, young ******** have desires to be satisfied. Some times it is **** to distinguish these needs in the first few acknowledgements from their needs of the moment. However, if the same situations keep showing up, a parent should help the ***** deal with them, and not invalidate them by denying or making them abstain from that which seems so important they have to keep the matter active. If it involves adhering to social standards, the mind of the ***** comes first, for they don't have the ability to deal with society's rules and preferences. All the ***** knows is they have given importance to something that matters to them and want it to be a part of their existence.

What if the boy really wants the Barbie doll or the girl - the Legos. Not letting them have the toy they some how connected with would be more destructive to that *****'s dealings with life and others, then shoving more socially approved substitutes at them to make them comply with social expectations. Understanding their reasoning or desire as to why they have these preferences will help earn the *****'s trust and create important mea...
Gleaming from the experience as a young participant, some things mattered a whole lot while other things never get a real hold on our attentions. In spite of what has been determined, young ******** have desires to be satisfied. Some times it is **** to distinguish these needs in the first few acknowledgements from their needs of the moment. However, if the same situations keep showing up, a parent should help the ***** deal with them, and not invalidate them by denying or making them abstain from that which seems so important they have to keep the matter active. If it involves adhering to social standards, the mind of the ***** comes first, for they don't have the ability to deal with society's rules and preferences. All the ***** knows is they have given importance to something that matters to them and want it to be a part of their existence.

What if the boy really wants the Barbie doll or the girl - the Legos. Not letting them have the toy they some how connected with would be more destructive to that *****'s dealings with life and others, then shoving more socially approved substitutes at them to make them comply with social expectations. Understanding their reasoning or desire as to why they have these preferences will help earn the *****'s trust and create important means of communication that will better serve the ***** and the parents/guardians. ******** will become greater ****** to society, when they are able to openly feel and be who they are. If by chance they don't comply with all of the social standards and rules, perhaps its the standards and rules that need to be brought into compliance with real life.
0 votes
don't see the point, but ok.
0 votes
The "Way to to Go" in the Future…
Gender Neutral Washroom
Also, get rid of urinals,
****** that in many places, women have to pay for a toilet while men can pee for free
0 votes
Urinals are ****** now from what this person says below?? ha! restrooms are a "privilege" now?
0 votes
Kids play with toys. Parents make it gender specific.
0 votes
Good! And Way overdue....
0 votes
So, let me get this straight, you couldn't just go to the "boy toys" and order for your girl, and vice versa?
0 votes
Well, plenty of them (******* mature) can be ******,
like the troll adjacent
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It's just another attempt to be PC (a euphemism for stupid).
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I hate to see corporate America pushed around by the PC Police
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Well my Amazon still has categories for girls toys, clothes, shoes, jewelry etc.
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I'm still debating it in my head, but it sure helps to narrow down the search when you're looking online if you can apply a filter like that. But a lot of toys don't fit either traditional boy or girl categories--like stuffed animals.
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Yeah because who identifies boys with ******* anyways?
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it's the new millennium though! you can I.D. as anything you want, even if it's not true!
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Ahh, I see the person below me has some more shots for me.
0 votes
people are going to buy toys that their kids want. so it doesnt matter. a boy playing with a gi joe or other action figure its stlll a doll.