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More so than men?

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39 Answers

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came naturally to me
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tell me that when im crying watching a chick flick eating ice cream while my sister calls me a wimp... you don't hear women are frail anymore but somehow its ok to still call men emotional challenged double standard much society?
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Yes, it is. The fact that something is natural does not mean it's universal or that it's inescapable for all individuals within the specified group - this question simply asks if it's natural. And we can see that it's natural not only in humans but in most species where there is parental care of the young. There are a few species in which the male is the primary caregiver and some where the parenting is shared.
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Sad that just because it has been traditional for a long time and there has been no alternative for women in the past, does not make it natural at all. That only makes it a necessity and nothing more. A learned behavior is not a natural behavior.

It has been very well documented that even in nature a mother who has not been parented well, will not have any maternal instincts at all.
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It has been documented in some species (particularly some mammals) that the specifics of the nurturing behavior need to be learned but, in the overwhelming majority of animals which provide care to their young, it is the female who provides the primary or sole care for them. Sure, exception exist (eg: seahorses, Egyptian mouthbreeders) where the male has an extensive role.

But, in humans, I honestly think the natural behavior is evolving in the other direction - the female is learning, due to our innate intelligence and adaptability, that she does not need to be the primary nurturer.

I think the word 'natural' allows for taught behavior to some extent; it's not the same as a genetic or instinctual trait. Perhaps we're just using the same word in slightly different manners.
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I went rollerskating today and i saw a kid that fell into the fountain (empty, deep) with his toy car and his big brother or babysitter was on his phone. I also saw a little girl almost crash into a person and then her father was like "WHY DA **** U RENT IT IF U DONT KNOW HOW TO DRIVE, EH?!" no he didnt exactly say that but it was similar. :P
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Mankind has the instinct to care for fellow humans.Its not a gender thing as much it is a social thing.The way a specific society works will determine how people within it will act.Women and men act differently in different societies/Countries because of the social constructs.
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Not all women are natural caregivers. My mother is proof of that. I give her a pass because she is mentally ill

I do know many men that are caring, so I'd say both genders have the ability to be caregivers. I was once was in the ER for a little accident I had and a male nurse attended to me. He was the absolute best.
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Absolutely. They're ****-wired for intuition and empathy. They'll always have the edge in this regard, which is probably as it should be.
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You've gotta get out of Idaho before it ruins you, man.
Spend a couple days in Texas or Alaska.

And take a bus... none of this sissy "cycling" stuff. :O)
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Yes, it is natural.
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i happen to be just fine with who i am.
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I see... and here, I thought you were complaining. :O)
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no i was making a point society needs to stop allowing people to be ****** towards men.
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you don't see anybody telling women to get back in the kitchen do you.
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to the kitchen
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Much easier to stop caring how people tease you than to rage against the machine. Once you master that, you're free to live your life as you please.
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No it is not. Many are obviously in recent years opting out of all maternal responsibilities.
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Bunk. Much of what is ****-wired knows exceptions. We're ****-wired to see but some don't. The evidence that it is ****-wired is abundant, lactation for instance.
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Most are anyway but not all.
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I do believe that something special and innate to femininity causes for Women to be more naturally caregivers. At the very least I believe that for Women to act unselfishly seems far more natural than for Men to do so.
This may very well be more cultural than instinctive, but I suspect not. I'm not one who believes in the gender differences being learned. I side with distinct differences (in general) but I do recognize that as individuals great variability obviously exist.
But hey, as a major fan of Women, I really can't have an unbiased opinion-:)
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This is being debated? Can i sight the last 10,000 years of history as a source, or oh IDK the 65 million years of mammalian evolution.
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hilarious, there are species where males raise the offspring
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You mean like .0000001% of them, Their are also animals who do nothing more then lay an egg and leave. Some eat their mate, Female snapping turtles nest over their eggs, so do some snakes these are reptiles. Nearly all female fish will guard their egg clutch, But i suppose you could sight the sea horse where the male carries the eggs once laid, or communal animal where the It takes a village philosophy applies, .Common thought to be solitary animals common house cats will do this on occasion. Don't get near a barn kitten because there are going to be 30 or 40 of them hiding in there starting you down.
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If that was all that was part of care giving, it is not.

There are an enormous number of women that are rejecting parenthood these days. They would also have done that in the past if the options were available as well.

"females provide all investment to offspring in greater than 95 percent of mammalian species, but males provide similar amounts or more total investments among most altricial birds, male brooding fish, and some insects, such as katydids"

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95% and you want to argue that this is not the natural way of things in most causes?

I also like how here and in other debates you skip elements how about the communal animals which include humans where everyone takes part in care giving.
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Part of natural law.... To think orherwise is denial.
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came naturally to me
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There is no evidence that it is **** wired either. If it was **** wired, there would be no exceptions.
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It depends on the person. There are some women that shouldn't even have had kids, and there are some guys who are just as good (if not better) caregivers than some women. Like I said it just depends on the person.
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From the cavemen age men were instinctively hunters and gatherers,away from the home life.Also they had many female partners to create more of their species.Mostly they had evolved out of necessity like other species.Men can learn to become natural caregivers.
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Women are more inclined to be caregivers. But it's **** to say whether this is the result of nature, social pressures, or both.
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Some are and then there are some who should have never had kids.
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It's ****-wired. Obviously there are exceptions and, according to the theory of androgyny, the healthiest men are very caring as well.
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No it is not. Many are obviously in recent years opting out of all maternal responsibilities.
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That doesn't mean it's not ****-wired. If it weren't, we wouldn't be having this discourse. Are there exceptions? Of course. Mostly addicts, i'd guess.
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You wanted to know what's wrong with you... I gave you my best guess. If you're happy, don't change a thing. But you certainly won't change anyone else.