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in Living by

Some schools on the list might surprise you.
  • Princeton University: $137,000
  • Harvey Mudd College: $135,000
  • California Institute of Technology: $127,000
  • United States Naval Academy at Annapolis: $122,000
  • United States Military Academy at West Point: $120,000
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology: $118,000
  • Lehigh University: $118,000
  • Polytechnic Institute of New York University: $117,00
  • Babson College: $117,000
  • Stanford University: $114,000
livescience reports schools list surprise

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41 Answers

0 votes
I made enough to retire at age 59 with NO more then a high school ed.
0 votes
Read Pat Buchanan's latest book SUICIDE OF A SUPERPOWER, pages 254-261 in particular, to see the **** statistics to back up what you're saying.

In Colorado universities, illegal immigrants can attend schools in that state for a third of what a U.S. citizen resident of that state can. Steve Dooceey on Fox News joked that U.S. born students of Colorado should move to Mexico, then illegally slip back into the U.S., so they can pay a third of what they do as legal residents. Government leaders who give superior benefits to illegal immigrants should be publicly lynched.
0 votes
I think there are many other things that are way more important. Like stopping drug use and violence in our high schools, and making sure that all students have a equal opportunity as far as having the supplies they need in order to learn. Including a safe place to study.
There is equal opportunity in the work force, why not in learning.
This way all kids will have a chance to attend the rich colleges and not just the kids of rich parents. That have bought them everything they needed to pass their classes. calculators, computers, etc.
0 votes
Rich people attend expensive schools and those graduates make more money......The rich stay rich.
0 votes
Umm my cousin worked her *** off halfway across The world just so she could make her life for her and her family better and is currently at Harvard. Stop being so bitter.
0 votes
I attend Stanford for a year and a half before dropping out because I got a job. I got in through a government handout so I hope I'm not bitter about something I got for free. Rich people attend these schools and rich people come out and people are trying to figure out why do these schools produce so many rich people? It seems quite obvious to me. I'm not saying any of these schools or students are bad, I'm just saying the answer shouldn't surprise anyone.
0 votes
"Rich people attend these schools and rich people come out and people are trying to figure out why do these schools produce so many rich people?" is a rather sweeping statement about millions of people who attend universities from a variety of backgrounds, and with a variety of ****** results.

I have two degrees and a medical certification and am not exactly "rich", and I'm also not bitter about it.
0 votes
I hope this doesn't bring anymore confusion. But if I told you the average wealth of those who own a Mercedes were higher then those who own a Toyota does that mean everyone who owns a Toyota makes less money then those who owns a Mercedes? No. I just believe it's logical to think that those who attend an Ivy league school have more money then those who do not even though there are exceptions. Jesus people stop taking exception I'm not trying to label anyone.
0 votes
You didn't say where your cousin came from. Immigrants are granted a vastly different playing field than natural born American citizens. The Feds are 100% committed to a social engineering agenda that was established in the late 1960's, which includes bringing in immigrants from 3rd world countries. The Feds will make sure doors are opened and paths straightened to bring people in from halfway around the world (India? Indonesia?)

Only the top 1% of White America gets into Harvard, Yale, etc. and they pay the full price! ***** government force got your cousin into Harvard whether you believe it or not. The rest of the American Sheep are just out of luck or go into debt to attend some second rate college. They'll never get their investment back... ever!
0 votes
Thanks, I'll have to check that book out!

Relocating to Mexico and then coming back in as an illegal might work! When you think about it, being a natural born American citizen incurs an automatic liability. Just as citizenship is inherited, so is serfdom or slavery! Our condition is passed down to us via Chain of Custody and the Federal Government is our custodian. More and more fall into defacto slavery because they were Serfs and lost that standing recently. Since Lord Bush took away our habeas corpus rights, every ***** born after that was born into dejure slavery.

An immigrant who comes in has NONE of that historical baggage or Chain of Custody liability hanging on them! THAT is why they can access the protection of the organic U.S. Constitution AND enjoy the full measure of social benefits!

I may be way off but, it makes sense to me anyway...
0 votes
Bill Gates is a drop out
It all comes down to abilities skills and smarts. And luck, in no small measure
0 votes
Or people with scholarships. My father came from a poor family, and joined the Marines so he could attend college on the G.I.Bill. He was the first to graduate college, and neither of his parents graduated high school.

My father worked his *** off and graduated Phi Beta Kappa with honors and a near 4.0 average from Penn State in 1959.
Is he "rich"? Or did he simply work for what he has?
0 votes
well obviously they know something i don't. that could be very valuable information. but i could never afford to go there. maybe they know how to ask for money the best.
0 votes
no. i can't afford those. i'd be so broke after getting out of school, i'd probably never get out of debt.
0 votes
I don't think any of these schools would have my major. If they did, than I would definitely go to most of them if I had the opportunity.
0 votes
If I were good enough to get in, of course. What is Harvey Mudd College?
0 votes
why not
0 votes
Everyone is always making a big deal about these expensive *** schools. When the most successful people barely have a high school diploma or at most a two year degree. And then you have people with master degrees on the unemployment line. Education is important but inexpensive alternatives do exist.
0 votes
I dont care about the money, but I would have loved to be a graduate from The US Naval Academy
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Don't know about being rich in the financial meaning of the word, but all these schools teach a well rounded curriculum. The wealth found in knowledge leads to the possibility of wisdom, and that is true riches.
0 votes
some businesses think you are more learned if you went to an expensive college. but it doesn't mean you are. if you were ranked at the bottom of your classes then you aren't any smarter than if you went to a cheaper college. just look at POTUS.
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Let the fools rush in.
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Did anyone notice no liberal arts schools mentioned.
0 votes
What's wrong with education? That's a mighty small list to ensure you make enough money to retire on...dammed too short...considering all we pay for educations to ensure that we don't *** up eating dog food.
0 votes
A will to suceed is way more powerful than some alumni.
0 votes
Honestly, one can still excel in life, after graduating from a less notable school.
0 votes
trade school
0 votes
That cartoon may be an exaggeration.

"The median expected salary for a typical Welder I in the United States is $34,619. This basic market pricing report was prepared using our Certified Compensation Professionals' ******** of survey data collected from thousands of HR departments at employers of all sizes, industries and geographies."

0 votes
your statistics are averaged together. production welders on average make around 15-20 dollars an hour, while structural welder make 35-60 an hour... and experienced cross country pipeliners can easily make over 200 an hour.
plus, being a welder is much more exciting than squishing your nuts in an office chair.
0 votes
My dad has been a welder since he was 18. He makes good money (now). But it's misleading to say that welders start out at 50 grand. Unless you are working as an under water welder or some other crazy specialty, you'll be starting out at about the same pay as the typical LibArt grad.

Also, your opinion on whether it's more interesting than an office job is just that, an opinion. Not everyone is cut out for a physically/mentally demanding trade like welding.
0 votes
A good liberal arts school is strictly for shaping and finishing future ladies and gentlemen to fit into Better Society. Direct economic payoff is not the goal. Direct economic payoff is what the petty bourgeoisie pursue and push their kids into. All that American Higher Education has produced is an army of underemployed, but very educated, barbarians. Regardless of their degree.

The best liberal arts schools don't have football or organized sports. The best liberal arts schools are not well known. They retain the classic school model that goes back to ancient Rome and Athens. Of course, unless the ******** are already born and living in Better Society, it is a waste of time and money. As the ******** of the petty bourgeoisie graduate, and released back into the barbaric social order they came from, they will inevitably revert back to local norms just to survive. A ******* indictment upon America for sure.
0 votes
Have these college and universtiy get alot of money, it goes mostly to adminstration cost, there salaries could be lowered, books, classes could be cheaper.

I believe school have forgotten how important is teaching is.
0 votes
American higher education has become one of the greatest Wealth Destroyers in our lifetime! The borrowed money coming from the student is risk free to the college and a chunk of that goes to the State Treasury. The student takes on the entire risk and burden of debt. American College is the world's biggest Lottery Racket and the odds of success are no better than a scratch off ticket!

It is a cruel game that plays on the hopes of millions of ******* (students) who still believe that higher education will get them into real careers or at least be ahead of the curve.

The fact is that 10% of graduates will be hired in their chosen profession and fewer of them will achieve success. The rest will either take up jobs they did not go to college for or will be working the same junk jobs they did before or during school. Upward class mobility in America is practically frozen and there is a stiffening socio-economic stratification. That creates great stress and even the established land grant colleges are out there preying on that stress. Colleges know full well that they are selling worthless degrees. Even the respectable degrees can't find a payoff in our dead economy.

The human capital coming out of America's universities and colleges represents a NET LOSS of 90% for each class!...

American higher education has become one of the greatest Wealth Destroyers in our lifetime! The borrowed money coming from the student is risk free to the college and a chunk of that goes to the State Treasury. The student takes on the entire risk and burden of debt. American College is the world's biggest Lottery Racket and the odds of success are no better than a scratch off ticket!

It is a cruel game that plays on the hopes of millions of ******* (students) who still believe that higher education will get them into real careers or at least be ahead of the curve.

The fact is that 10% of graduates will be hired in their chosen profession and fewer of them will achieve success. The rest will either take up jobs they did not go to college for or will be working the same junk jobs they did before or during school. Upward class mobility in America is practically frozen and there is a stiffening socio-economic stratification. That creates great stress and even the established land grant colleges are out there preying on that stress. Colleges know full well that they are selling worthless degrees. Even the respectable degrees can't find a payoff in our dead economy.

The human capital coming out of America's universities and colleges represents a NET LOSS of 90% for each class! What appears to be wealth creation is really debt transfer. In other words, it is legalized robbery.

Until domestic production is restored in full to provide for domestic demand, with rising wages and a robust wealth redistribution architecture, (classic American School of Economics) there is NO HOPE for college grads OR the U.S. in general.
0 votes
I agree with much of what you said.
If you're talking about a degree in English, Journalism, Theatre, Education, Marketing, Anthropology and similar non-specific degrees in field where many want to work in them but there are few openings, then yes, these are not degrees that train one for a specific profession, for which there will be much demand or reward. (I say that as someone who got a communication degree over 20 years ago and learned a **** lesson).

But there are still a few in-demand degrees, like Accounting, Engineering, Nursing, Computer Science, or other 2-year or 4-year technical degrees, where someone is trained for a specific position for which there is demand, and plenty of jobs.

My advice to a prospective college student, or their parents, is to look at the fields where there are a lot of jobs, like nursing, paralegal, computer repair technician, air conditioning repair tech, or other higher demand fields, before rolling the dice on a degree that doesn't really have a likelihood of netting a good-paying career.
0 votes
You sound like a loser--sorry.
0 votes
You can barely post a one sentence comment. Karma will get you soon enough.
0 votes
My statement was clear and to the point. On another subject-- it's likely your attitude is what is holding you back the most. Good Luck
0 votes
I flunked out of Emory U.
But after finishing at a state university still had to settle for a tech job.
I'm now retired in less that 30K per annum. Barely enough to cover expenses.
0 votes
It is not likely, nor was it ever likely, that I could go to any of these schools. Money and grades were two of the problems, as they are for most people. You have to pay big bucks to go, so you can earn big bucks later. If your family does not have the money you are unlikely to get there. The alternative of getting there with a scholarship serves a very narrow and small minority who show great promise through their grades. The "average" person is not even in the mix. Check the names of the student body against the alumni and you will find striking similarities. Wealth begets wealth and priviledge begets priviledge.
0 votes
Do I violate some federal law if I NEVER hire anyone from Harvard ?

If I do violate, SORRY .
0 votes
Did not like either answer.
But it is good to see that the technical, demanding colleges are listed here. People who are good enough to get into these colleges and survive the pressure deserve it. Most people take the easy route to an easy degree at an easy college with minimal learning and actually know less when they graduate than when they started, in some areas.