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in Living by

They say Genuis is a hairline away from insanity

imagination does not breed insanity, but reason.

The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
here are 10 insane geniuses who changed the world in a good way

1.Andrew Jackson

Won a major battle in New Orleans in the War of 1812 (the one where Canada burned down the White House), securing the respect of his peers. He was elected as the seventh president of the U.S.A., where he helped form the American Political system, and got his face on the 20 dollar bill. In his term he reduced national Debt, caused several structural changes to the bureaucratic and political system (including the implementation of the Spoils System), and pushed for expansionism, allowing the US to grow to the size it is today.

what's so crazy about him?

Jackson was Crazy He earned the nickname "Old Hickory" in his war days for being almost completely indestructible, and for regularly beating the **** out of people with a hickory walking stick. He won the battle at New Orleans by virtue of his both being a ****-***, and by hiring a crap-load of pirates to help out. That's right, pirates. They even brought their cannons down into the artillery. His men won with only about 24 deaths.

He was also known for participating in a great many duels. Understand that back then, duels were fought with muskets, the most hideously inaccurate gun in the history of guns. This meant a duel consisted of just shooting at one another until the other guy was so scared and/or bloodied that he surrendered. During his duels, Jackson sustained so many bullet wounds that (according to biographer Chris Wallace) he was known to "rattle like a bag of marbles" when he walked, and cough up blood on a regular basis. After seeing the guy take a few shots to the abdomen, and taking a few themselves, most surrendered, and Jackson only once ever actually killed a man in a duel

This unlucky individual was Charles *********, who was convinced by Jackson's political opponents to make fun of his wife, who Jackson he married before she divorced her first husband. Jackson, who just didn't stand for that kinda s***, challenged him to a duel. Then, even though ********* was well known as being an award-winning marksman, he let ********* shoot first. Just to reiterate, he actually had made money off of being particularly good at shooting things, and Jackson let him be first to try to shoot at him. ********* shot him square in the chest, missing his heart by about one inch. While any sane human being would have screamed all ****** **** and called for a medic, Jackson straightened up and shot the guy in the face, killing him instantly.

Jackson was also the first president on whom an ************* was attempted. The would-be ******** (a guy named Richard Lawrence who thought he was King Richard the Third) opted to try to shoot Jackson, even though he was by now probably more bullet than actual living flesh. Lawrence ran up to him, pulled out his gun, pointed at Jackson's heart, and pulled the trigger.

The gun misfired. So he pulled out a second gun he brought with him, pointed it at his heart, and pulled the trigger. In what can only be called a statistical miracle, it also misfired. Jackson charged the man with fire in his eyes, and proceeded to beat the living ******* of him with his walking stick until his aides pulled him off, with the help of local bystanders (including Davy Crockett). Lawrence later said that he "only felt genuine fear when he saw the 67-year-old president charge."

2. Pythagoras

Pythagoras was one of the founding fathers of mathematics. Aside from being credited with writing the Pythagorean Theorem, he also conducted a great deal of work with sound and harmonics, and discovered the Golden Ratio. The Golden Ratio is a number that represents the geometric relationship "A is to B what B is to C" and it appears a good deal in nature as well as art.

Pythagoras also created a model of the universe in which the universe was a series of glass spheres, all turning in harmony, with the earth at the center. This dominated astronomy for about 2,000 years, and was the favored view of the Catholic church who felt it was proof of ***. And we all know that you can't argue with the Catholics, or they'll Torture you.

what's so crazy about him?

He had a cult. A weird one. Not, you know, one of the average, lives in aspaceship under Antarctica cults. No, this was a number cult. Sure, they had all the weird rules. Have *** in the summer, not the winter, only drink water, only eat uncooked foods, don't wear wool, etc. Oh, and never ever eat beans. They make you fart and are "like the genitalia" therefore they are pure evil.

But they were also obsessed with numbers and geometry. Every number was a shape and every shape represented a number. And every number-shape had a purpose, a divine meaning, and a place in the order of everything. And Pythagoras loved them all.

Their symbol was a number-shape (of course), it was the number five, the pentagram, because the pentagram was infinite. The pentagram contained a pentagon. The pentagon, if all corners were connected, formed another pentagram, which was proportionate in every way to the original and which formed another pentagon. Pythagoras saw more numbers in music, in the ratios of the strings and the beauty of the notes. In fact, his views on philosophy can be summarized in his own words "All is numbers."

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39 Answers

0 votes
love Tesla though
0 votes
And so it goes. Ignorant hicks are paranoid to the point of psychologically destroying ********, but genius is the scary lot? Oh, how many times I've heard the myth. Still yet, there have been those who did some crazy things.

Like this is normal? Not insane? Not more common than you think?
scary times ive heard myth crazy normal insane common trailor trash
0 votes
Nikola Tesla, not Edison nor Marconi, deserves most of the credit for the important advances in electricity and use of radio waves in the 20th century.

Very interesting topic. Thanks, DAW.
0 votes
All the geniuses are thinking outside of the box.
Perhaps is that thinking outside of the box what constitutes madness.
0 votes
True, too true.
0 votes
Very impressibe - I always enjoy and learn! from your blogs - thank you!
0 votes
Isaac Newton was a very important person and considered to have been somewhat crazy also. But I guess if these people thought in the same way as everyone else, they wouldn't be special.

Great info. DAW!
0 votes
Funny thing is, pi CAN be calculated into a fraction. It is 22/7
0 votes
****, Jackson was just a straight up badass.

damn jackson straight badass andrew jackson badass
0 votes
sometimes simple solutions evade everyone until one genius says: instead of doing it THAT way (30 steps) why not do it THIS way (5 steps) then everyone else slaps their foreheads because it is so danged obvious.

Why yes, I do have a bruised forehead, why do you ask?
0 votes
Hey again! Simplifying my life is needed, daw
0 votes
The world sure would be a **** of a lot more boring without insane people.
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or Bill Harman~~:) Drummer extraordinaire~~ mayhaps...
0 votes
The gift of mental power comes from ***, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power.
~ Nikola Tesla Quotes from Autobiography
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Sergei Bryukhonenko...wow o.o
0 votes
yep modern day frankinstein
0 votes
In order to discover something completely new or to revolutionize something is to look at it in a completely different way. The greatest discoveries of history were made by people who were viewed as insane because what they said was **** to grasp and accept.
0 votes
tesla is the best example of evil ruling our society, his idea may have provided free electricity to our homes but j.p. morgan pulled the funds for his research. a guy in oklahoma invented a device to run your car on tap water and was killed in a hit and run type situation after he was showing local news his invention. here in colorado springs they've been showing things on a local run channel from when he did one of his big tests here and the average joes who do know his accomplishments cherish his genius more than edison which is the correct thing to do.
0 votes
Very interesting blog. Thank you.

You mentioned the attempted ************* of President Andrew Jackson. It ocurred in January of 1835, and, as you mentioned, one of the by-standers who subdued the would be ******** was Davy Crockett. At the time, Davy Crockett was a Congressman who represented a district in Western Tennessee. He had originally been elected to Congress on the coattails of his fellow Tennesseean Andrew Jackson's election as President of the United States. Both were elected as Democrats and were strong political allies who had fought together in the Indian Wars years earlier in 1813. President Jackson was elected President in 1828 and they got along very well at first. President Jackson then supported legislation to void treaties with certain indian tribes (primarily the Cherokees) and force them to re-locate from their native lands in the southeast to Oklahoma. Congressman Crockett denounced the legislation and publicly attacked President Jackson and the Congress. When Congressman Crockett became the only Congressman from Tennessee to vote against the legislation, President Jackson vowed to defeat him. Davy Crockett changed parties and became a Whig. He toured the country in 1834 and was considered a possible candidate for President. At the height of the host...

Very interesting blog. Thank you.

You mentioned the attempted ************* of President Andrew Jackson. It ocurred in January of 1835, and, as you mentioned, one of the by-standers who subdued the would be ******** was Davy Crockett. At the time, Davy Crockett was a Congressman who represented a district in Western Tennessee. He had originally been elected to Congress on the coattails of his fellow Tennesseean Andrew Jackson's election as President of the United States. Both were elected as Democrats and were strong political allies who had fought together in the Indian Wars years earlier in 1813. President Jackson was elected President in 1828 and they got along very well at first. President Jackson then supported legislation to void treaties with certain indian tribes (primarily the Cherokees) and force them to re-locate from their native lands in the southeast to Oklahoma. Congressman Crockett denounced the legislation and publicly attacked President Jackson and the Congress. When Congressman Crockett became the only Congressman from Tennessee to vote against the legislation, President Jackson vowed to defeat him. Davy Crockett changed parties and became a Whig. He toured the country in 1834 and was considered a possible candidate for President. At the height of the hostility between them (which was both political and personal), the attempted ************* of President Jackson occurred. Instead of being grateful to Congresssman Crocket for helping him, President Jackson renewed his vow to defeat Congessman Crockett which he finally succeeded in doing in the mid-term elections. Davy Crockett lost by less than 300 votes and then left for Texas to see what had attracted Sam Huston who had left Tennessee for Texas earlier. Sam Huston was the Governor of both Tennessee and later Texas. Davy Crockett made an unfortunate stop at the Alamo, where he was killed at the Battle of the Alamo in March of 1836.

The Chrokee Indians brought a lawsuit to void the Indian Re-locaion Act and the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in their favor. In denouncing the Supreme Court and its Chief Justice John Marshall, President Jackson is reported to have said: "John Marshall had made his decision. Let him enforce it!" Whether or not that statement was actually made, Jackson and his chosen successor, Martin Van Buren, proceeded with the re-location in complete defiance of the Court. In 1838, the Cherokees were forced to march from North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia on foot in the dead of winter all the way to Oklahoma. At least 25% of the tribe died along he way and their march has become known as "The Trail of Tears." The march was named by the United States soldiers who were forced to ****** them and witnessed what today would be called a genocide. It was the soldiers who shed many of the tears.

President Jackson's life had been saved years ealier by a Cherokee Indian. His legacy on this issue is not one to be proud of.

Davy Crockett had originally become famous for his bravery and fighting in the Indian Wars years ealier. He is remembered by history as a famous indian fighter who was killed at the Alamo thereby ******** him everlasting fame.

The Cherokee Nation remembers Davy Crockett as a brave Congessman who lost his political career fighting for them when all others abandoned them. If President Kennedy had written another volume of "Profiles in Courage", he surely would have included a chapter on Congressman Davy Crocett of Tennessee!
0 votes
Cool story bro tell it again
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I think most geniuses are a little off their rocker
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Nicola Tesla, was an eccentric, not a crazy man at all. He came to America with an idea based on the rotating magnet field. We today call it the electric motor, Which needed A/C and later built the first A/C power Plant at Niagara Falls N. Y. he invented radio, which led to the development of Television, Radar, GPS, Frequency Transmission, (more commonly know as the Internet) and most of the technology developments we enjoy today, Alternating Current, was perhaps his greatest and most used achievement. Without it, the World would literally come to a stop. The Aircraft design mention was VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and Landing) he invented X-ray 7 yrs. before Roentgen. BTW, Einstein never invented anything, he was everything, he's depicted as, A **** with a Physics degree working as a patent clerk, his wife figured out E=MC2, Einstein got the Nobel Prize, she got a divorce.

He actually wasn't crazy and doesn't belong on this list.
0 votes
Wow. Some of these people, wow. I think Tesla did create the Death Ray XD
0 votes
Actually, the difference between genius and insanity is that the genius will try a different method if the first try did not achieve the expected result.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.
0 votes
<!-- It takes more than a “touch” of madness to be a great genius, so yeah Nikola got it right… I mean just look at this TOTAL AWESOME GENIUS !!! <br> <OBJECT orig_size="425x355" width="350" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="1325903012.68" height="292"><param name="allowNetworking" value="internal"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never"/><param name="enableJSURL" value="false"/><param name="enableHREF" value="false"/><param name="saveEmbedTags" value="true"/><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/A3MzKPXnF6k&amp;rel=1&amp;autoplay=0"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/A3MzKPXnF6k&amp;rel=1" allowNetworking="internal" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="never" enableHREF="false" height="292" width="350" enableJSURL="false" autostart="false" orig_size="425x355" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/></OBJECT> -->It takes more than a “touch” of madness to be a great genius, so yeah Nikola got it right… I mean just look at this TOTAL AWESOME GENIUS !!!
0 votes
Michael Jackson.. not quite in the scientific way,but in music..
Just give him a couple hundred years to become more credible as a genius.

Genius? YES!!
Insane? Are you seriously asking??
Michael Jackson magic and madness
0 votes
I love this quote from Oscar Levant: "There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line."
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Frank Lloyd Wright
0 votes
Absolutely without a doubt the truist statement I've ever heard.
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Van Goch was pretty crazed. But look what he gave us
van goch paintings
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Genius will have different ideas. Different ideas are scary for the establishment. That's why they always try to ridicule the 'kookie' ones.

"If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good, makes the bill good, also. The difference between the bond and the bill is the bond lets money brokers collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20%, whereas the currency pays nobody but those who contribute directly in some useful way. It is absurd to say that our country can issue $30 million in bonds and not $30 million in currency. Both are promises to pay, but one promise fattens the usurers and the other helps the people. " - Thomas Edison, The New York Times, December 6, 1921
0 votes
Not sure I would have Jackson included in this august list. Learned something new with number 10.

Tycho Brahe is one of my favorites. Two stories...

In 1566 at the age of 20, he lost part of his nose in a duel with another Danish nobleman named Manderup Parsbjerg. The duel is said to have started over a disagreement about a mathematical formula. Because there was no sure way to figure out who was right, the only solution was to try to kill each other. For the rest of his life, Brahe wore a prosthetic nose. His fake nose was likely made of copper, although he probably also had gold and silver noses around for special occasions.

The story (or perhaps legend) of his death is quite interesting, although recent tests indicated that mercury poisoning may have been a factor. From an old biography...

The 13th of October 1601 Tycho Brahes was invited together with a nobleman called Minckwitz to a supper at Baron von Rosenberg. Before they sat down at the table, Tycho did not let his water, as he otherwise usually did. During the dinner lots of wine was consumed, and Tycho noticed that his bladder was tense, and he realised that he soon would have to get up. Out of respect for the host, he waited however, but finally he had to get up from the table and get home. But his bladder h...

Not sure I would have Jackson included in this august list. Learned something new with number 10.

Tycho Brahe is one of my favorites. Two stories...

In 1566 at the age of 20, he lost part of his nose in a duel with another Danish nobleman named Manderup Parsbjerg. The duel is said to have started over a disagreement about a mathematical formula. Because there was no sure way to figure out who was right, the only solution was to try to kill each other. For the rest of his life, Brahe wore a prosthetic nose. His fake nose was likely made of copper, although he probably also had gold and silver noses around for special occasions.

The story (or perhaps legend) of his death is quite interesting, although recent tests indicated that mercury poisoning may have been a factor. From an old biography...

The 13th of October 1601 Tycho Brahes was invited together with a nobleman called Minckwitz to a supper at Baron von Rosenberg. Before they sat down at the table, Tycho did not let his water, as he otherwise usually did. During the dinner lots of wine was consumed, and Tycho noticed that his bladder was tense, and he realised that he soon would have to get up. Out of respect for the host, he waited however, but finally he had to get up from the table and get home. But his bladder had been blocked by waiting to long, and he could not let his water. **** pains followed and for five days, he could not sleep. Thereafter he could let out small amounts of urine, and the patient fell into an uneasy sleep. He also had a strong fever and dizziness. [...] For another five days this state lasted. [...] The following night, the last, Tycho was relatively calm, and no bad dreams worried him during his dizziness.

During his fever fantasies he muttered the words "Ne frustra vixisse videar" over and over (approx. May I not seemed to have lived in vain).

The following day, the 24th of October, the fever dizziness faded, and his conciousness returned. But the sicknes had taken so much of his powers that the *** would not last many hours. When he notices his soon coming death, he expressed a wish, that his life's works would honour the lord and gave his sons and his nephew a task to not let anything of it get lost and that they should trust in the help of emperor.
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0 votes
love Tesla though
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This answer strikes me as very true. You could see a man just sitting on a park bench day in and out for many days, but don't let your eyes deceive you. He may not be doing nothing. In fact he could be solving some of the worlds greatest problems or thinking of the most ingenious inventions that will change something for mankind forever, and hopefully in a good way.
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