How effective any results from tips here would be would totally depend on what you look like.For example, if you're Asian, it will likely not be anywhere near as difficult as it would if you're Scandinavian and have wide, developed jaw-lines, ****** angles and more developed face, etc.
There are several methods that can help besides things like waxing and shaving on a daily basis (to try to minimize any facial hair) and choice of clothes, obviously.
Contouring can go a long way to streamlining parts of your face that are large or angular, as it gives the illusion of smother, softer lines if done properly (amongst other things - you can achieve the opposite effect if you're not careful, so study up if you go this way).
You could also try waxing your eyebrows into something less thick/wide then the average male brow (but avoid going really thin as this will look too harsh and make you look terrible).
Haircut can make a huge difference too.
Those are just some ways.
Anyway, it's very **** to say without seeing a picture of what you look like, since everyone is different.. and for the record, I don't know why you're trying to change yourself to look like someone else; there is as good chance you will never look like the person you're trying for, so just enjoy what you've got! :)