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35 Answers

0 votes
I have no reason to defend any atheistic regime. I will extend grace to the atheist for they are made in the image of ***. The 'imago dei' has not been erased but defaced. Let no man say that they are out of reach of ***'s good Grace.
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You have no point. You offer a poster that lies. Half those men were not Atheists at all.

Atheism is mindless
0 votes
I am not trying to obfuscate any point, just speaking my mind. Also a lot of the deaths under the Atheist leaders were product of war or famine.

And it is not a relative few atrocities. I cannot agree with that. Hitler does fall under the category of a "Christian" dictator.

Also, let's throw in the Czars to the atrocities. Ever seen Fiddler on the Roof? Based off real facts.

Atheism is more that just science. There are feelings, that are natural, caused by chemicals in the body. Simple human decency does exist in every facet of life, except in psychopaths. There is a reason why taking a persons life is the ******* thing any one person can do.
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No, Stalin's 'famines' were very deliberate.
No, Hitler was far from a Christian dictator. Hitler despised Christianity as 'weak and effiminate', persecuted clergy and confiscated church property, Hitler practiced a Teutonic Occult 'Aryianism' which formed the basis for his white-man's master race.

Atheism is not science, or scientific at all. Atheism is just a short-sighted philosophical Naturalism

"Simple human decency does exist in every facet of life, except in psychopaths. There is a reason why taking a persons life is the ******* thing any one person can do."

Why, if Atheism is true? You simply beg the question.
What principle in nature makes a ***** rapist or murderer 'wrong' if no objective wrong exists under Atheism?
Why is the ***** rapist wrong when chemicals cause his thoughts and behaviors? If Atheism is correct, there is no actual free-willed choice behind those chemicals? The ***** rapist is just chemicals - and nothing but chemicals - if Atheism is correct.
Why isn't the ***** rapist perfectly justified in his chemical illusions that permit ***** ****?

Sorry Joel, Atheism cannot possibly ground any objective moral values or duties in reality. If Atheism is correct, any 'wrong' you may make-believe is nothing more than a subjective chemical delusion w...

No, Stalin's 'famines' were very deliberate.
No, Hitler was far from a Christian dictator. Hitler despised Christianity as 'weak and effiminate', persecuted clergy and confiscated church property, Hitler practiced a Teutonic Occult 'Aryianism' which formed the basis for his white-man's master race.

Atheism is not science, or scientific at all. Atheism is just a short-sighted philosophical Naturalism

"Simple human decency does exist in every facet of life, except in psychopaths. There is a reason why taking a persons life is the ******* thing any one person can do."

Why, if Atheism is true? You simply beg the question.
What principle in nature makes a ***** rapist or murderer 'wrong' if no objective wrong exists under Atheism?
Why is the ***** rapist wrong when chemicals cause his thoughts and behaviors? If Atheism is correct, there is no actual free-willed choice behind those chemicals? The ***** rapist is just chemicals - and nothing but chemicals - if Atheism is correct.
Why isn't the ***** rapist perfectly justified in his chemical illusions that permit ***** ****?

Sorry Joel, Atheism cannot possibly ground any objective moral values or duties in reality. If Atheism is correct, any 'wrong' you may make-believe is nothing more than a subjective chemical delusion with no actual reality. In objective reality, there is no right or wrong - just whatever the chemicals cause to happen.

There is a very good reason Atheist leaders have so reliably engaged in such horrific behaviors.
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Please, if we are to debate, use only my words against me. Nowhere did I mention Stalin's famines, I said, "a lot of the deaths under the Atheist leaders were product of war or famine."

Hitler was not a missionary by any means; however, he acknowledge Christ's existance. He also attributed his anti-Semetism to Christianity. Also by calling Christianity "weak and effimate" he was referencing organized religion, especially when it detracted from his power. This "Teutonic Occult 'Aryanism'" is actually anachronistic, for the Hitler idea of Aryans (which, in real life, were a people from India and the Central Steppes) came about during the middle to late 1800's to justify imperialism. This was long after the age of the Teutonics.

And how can Atheism not be scientific at all? Science is based on empirical eveidence. And while I believe in ***, I will acknowledge I have no empirical evidence to support this belief. And there is always science when one uses the word "chemicals."
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Also, in retrospect, I noted that you called Lenin's dealings "horrors" while at the same time refusing to use and unquotated "horror" when reffering to any wrong Christian tyrrants have committed. How can you justify that?
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atheist public school education ignorant horrific atheist atrocities planet century
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Thats why millions of mindless drones follow organized religions that they blindly follow and barely have an understanding of. And as for killing people have you forgotten about the Crusades? Especially the ********* crusade??
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So What? Look what RELIABLY happened when Atheists "unify" their subjects under themselves - divorced from any moral reality or significance to human life and guided only by personal appetites.

Mormons are not slaughtering in mass, enslaving entire populations with walls and secret police, running political prisons, exterminating dissidents - Atheists are.
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You cannot answer for the fact of over 100 Million dead in the past century under brutal ATHEIST regimes, so you deflect to to pre-literate barbarian 'christians' who behaved liked barbarians always behaved.

The death tolls under all religions combined over thousands of years is dwarfed by one century of horrific tyranny under Atheist rulers.

Silly brainwashed *****.
0 votes
Ummmmm..... No, actually most Christian's aren't very literate. That's why they believe delusional stories like the bible. Also why Christianity recruits chiefly from the poor, uneducated and illiterate. And as far as "preliterate christians" you know they got this idea from a book. Which means they probably read it, or someone read it to them, either way reading was happening. Actually the biggest obstacle to furthering education and science was Christianity. They outlawed blasphemous thoughts like the earth orbits around the sun and wasn't flat. You are right about one thing. The thousands of years of brutal religious oppression, which is still happening. Completely outweighs what a few crackpots have done in the past century. Oh wait, no your not, your just an idiot.
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No examples of nonsense, just another empty claim you fail to justify.

Desperate fool. Atheism is mindless
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You consistently fail to demonstrate any examples of 'nonsense'. You can't.
You are simply dishonest. You cannot substantively answer my arguments, so you posture and pose to avoid the obvious fact you are impotent to refute me on the merits.

I understand, Atheism is intellectually bankrupt.
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Arrogance = Nonsense???
Geez, you are reduced to saying anything

Silly Atheist. Your own impotence is your real problem, not my arrogance
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You offer a load of tangential slop most having nothing to do with Christianity - or religion for that matter.

Yes, a relative few atrocities have occurred 'in the name of' religion by misguided kings and leaders who needed a pretext for their schemes.

"The quotation of horrors is offensive, for the death of any one under an unjust cause is atrocious."

This is plain crap trying to obfuscate the point. (fact) Atheists have slaughtered and starved more people in the past 100 years than all religions combined over the past 5000 years.
You SHOULD BE offended. Atheism has proven horrific. The truth needs to be said. Your ignorance of critical facts is offensive.

BTW. Under Atheism nothing is 'atrocious'. You have no objective basis to anything is wrong. If No *** exists, then no objective moral reality exists. Chemicals cause everything, not free-willed people. Free-will is just another chemical delusion is Atheism is correct.
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Also, in a latter comment you say, "Atheism has given us Communism, Marxism..." Those are the two closest forms, other than the early LDS Church's attempt at the United Order, humanity has tried that even comes close to what the apostles tried to do in Acts Chapters 4 and 5.
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The facts are history stare us in the face. Anyone that still stupidly believes atheism will produce a loving and kind society is a patent fool.
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Another empty *********. Explain what truth is hidden?
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It's all already been said. Atheists shed blood too. It's been proven,especially in the case of Stalin and Pol Pot, that they wanted to rid the world of religion and enlist an atheist secular society. I know atheists kick and scream about atheism NOT being the cause but that's nonsense!! It's irritating when one can claim a certain worldview is not responsible for A N Y T H I N G ! ! ! It just doesn't work that way!! Deride and derail if you must,but it doesn't change the truth we all know!!
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I'm no atheist, did any of them kill in the name of atheism?
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No, they killed BECAUSE OF Atheism. Atheism eliminates any possibility of real moral truth or duties, human significance and ultimate accountability for how we live.

It's perfectly obvious why Atheists in power have mass-slaughtered to feed their appetites with no moral concern.

And you are an Atheist. You already told me.
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I am not an atheist, I am a SATANIST! And nobody killed for atheism!
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No wonder you lie so much.
You may want to reconsider living stupid.
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I highly agree truth does matter; however, the glaring one-sidedness of the answers serves to hide said truth.
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Well one cannot answer the question without calling themselves ignorant or obstinate, unless one agrees that atheists cannot run a humane government. The truths being hidden are the instances in which atheist leaders did far better than religious leaders, however; none of those answers reflect that view.
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Relatively few horrors? The Inquisitions (Spanish and Italian), Joseph Kony (before he became an internet obsession), all 11 Crusades, the Borgia family, the Puritains, extermination of the Native Americans from the time of Spain up to after Custer's Last Stand, all the troubles in India. Let's go to other religions. Any Iranian dictator, Sadaam Hussein, Al Quaeda, Hamas, Saudi Arabia.

The quotation of horrors is offensive, for the death of any one under an unjust cause is atrocious.
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"Well one cannot answer the question without calling themselves ignorant or obstinate"

Yes you can. You even picked the option. The real problem is that the history of Atheists in power has proven overwhelmingly horrific. When rulers take Atheism seriously, they will correctly recognize that No *** means absolutely no ultimate significance or value to human life and NO objective basis for any moral duties,
It's perfectly understandable why they will brutally slaughter, starve and dominate the masses to feed their appetites.

Where are those many instances of noble Atheist rulers that dwarf the pattern of horrific human atrocities set by Atheists Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Castro, Pol Pot, Ceaucescu, Milosevic, Kim Jung.... in this past century alone?
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I honestly answered just to comment. But Napoleon did so much better at ruling France than His Most Catholic Majesty Louis XVI. Otto von Bismark unified Germany and may as well have been considered atheist. However, religious dictaors are just as dangerous as your brutal atheists. And I never said "many instances."
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Also, there is no reason to ****** that because one does not believe in a *** that he or she will lose all respect for human life. If you actually asked the religoius tyrannts why they did their actions, which show no respect to humanity, they would reply that it was ***'s will. Representing the will of a deity is the best way to get followers.
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"Also, there is no reason to ****** that because one does not believe in a *** that he or she will lose all respect for human life"

There is absolute logical certainty that if No *** exists, then no objective moral values or duties exist and no intrinsic purpose, significance or value to life exists.. It's perfectly obvious why Atheists who take Atheism seriously have so reliably mass- slaughtered, starved and enslaved half the planet to feed their personal appetites. The logical implications of Atheism have deadly serious consequences.

Christianity civilized brutal, illiterate barbarian western societies delivering them from their Dark Ages. Christianity gave us human rights, science, Universities, hospitals and charities.

Atheism has given us Communism, Marxism, Stalinism, Leninism, Marxism, Maoism, Nihilism and over 100 million dead and half the planet enslaved under brutal tyranny - in this past century alone.

Unfortunately, leftist dominated modern education is silent on the horrific record of Atheism while it reduces Christianity to the few anomalies of Crusading, Inquisitions and infighting between Galileo and his church sponsors.
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By focusing on the Christians and the Atheists are you saying those are the only two types of people in this equation? And do tell me one thing Lenin did that was so horrible, I am not communist by a long shot, yet I have respect for him and Leon Trotsky.
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"By focusing on the Christians and the Atheists are you saying those are the only two types of people in this equation? "

No, but I am saying
(a) a very real stark difference exists between the results of Christianity taken seriously and Atheism taken seriously.
(b) Atheism implies no objective basis for moral values and duties, no intrinsic significance or value to human life.
(c) The results of the past 100 years of Atheist rulers have produced horrors on a scale unprecedented in human history. The reliability is stunning.

Lenin's horrors were nowhere near Stalin's purges and starving of approx 11,000,000 Ukranians, but for example, the Red Terror under Lenin killed about 30,000. If you count the civil wars, roughly 1 - 2 million dead.

For perspective, even the relatively minor 30,000 figure under one minor Atheist killer is more than the total number killed by hundreds of years of Inquisitions (between 3,000 - 5,000)

Yet, our secular educators are largely silent on the 100,000,000 killed by Atheists, while obsessively ******* the church for the relatively few 'horrors' committed by some misguided people - despite the clear teachings of Christ.
0 votes
Again, your dishonesty is glaring. You cannot produce a single example. Liars ****