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Pair up an outgoing guy with a needy, anxious woman and you may have a baby boom on your hands.

In a new study, scientists who studied a population in Senegal found that extroverted men and neurotic (needy, anxious, depressed) women made more babies.

As Professor Virpi Lummaa of the U.K.’s Sheffield University, one of the study authors, told MSNBC, the findings suggest “that the link between extroversion and number of ******** in men is driven by the effects of extroversion on the probability of belonging to the high social class.”

As for the women, she said, previous research showed that neurotic women in places like the U.S. and Europe have what amounts to daddy issues (Lummaa called it “attachment anxiety”) and so are highly motivated to have ***.

Do you think extroverted guys tend to have more kids? What about nervous women? Or is this totally bogus?

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20 Answers

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well, you kept it for YOU. good for you, but that was FOR your COMFORT. In a sense that if you did abort, which is what I could have seen myself doing in such a situation, you would have been very uncomfortable due to your religious/cultural beliefs. And your case is very different. I am talking about women using the kid strategy which is pretty common and pretty ancient and works only on the surface if at all.
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Maybe I'm wrong, but this guy doesn't strike me as belonging to a "high social class".

This fact, alone, makes the results of the study, questionable.
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I've know every introverted women who have 4+ ********. And there husbands aren't social *********** either.

I don't think this is particularly true but there are always exceptions to every rule.
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Yeah I'm sorry but that's not always true I got pregnant purely by accident the guy told me that he would not be with me if I didn't get an abortion needless to say I'm raising an almost 3 year old by myself and I'm neurotic and anxious and babies are not a fake comfort they are human and real not just something you can get rid of when you get tired of it so a baby is a real comfort. I'm not saying that there's not women out there that have ******** just to keep there man, which is totally retarded, I'm just saying that ******** aren't a fake comfort they are real and they are really comforting my son cuddles with me gives me kisses and hugs and tells me he loves me, he also comes to me when he gets hurt wanting me to kiss his boo boo, he needs me as much as I need him and thats as real as it gets. Food is a fake comfort, alcohol is a fake comfort, but ******** are not.
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This is only legitimate, if they based the study on me, lol.
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makes perfect sense. Many women are DUMB enough thinking they can HOOK a guy with # of kids, essentially that is their ONLY petty way of solving the problem of being attractive, with their looks or brain or both. Just like some find FOOD their comfort, making babies give them MORE comfort.,..which is a FAKE comfort anyways.
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Hmmmmm, let me think about that one.
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Oh, reproductive freedom is certainly a possibility. Two of my dearest friends in the world have 23 ******** between them (one had 12, one had 11). They happen to be two of the most mentally, spiritually, and emotionally healthy people I know, and their ******** are amazing, happy people.

I do know a few women, however, who seem to tie their entire sense of self worth on how many ******** they can have. I think the danger is from pinning your entire self-concept on one external thing, whether it's having babies, being ultra-competitive at work, or your golf score, etc.
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if you pop them out year after year are you automatically in a competition? no chance of practicing reproductive freedom?
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I'm neurotic to the point that it's amazing that I actually procreated at all. Maybe it's true for some, but not me. OTOH, I have known some needy women who treated ************ like a competition, popping 'em out year after year.
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I have a lot of kids...my husband is not an extrovert at all, but he'd say I was neurotic...lol.
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Cool, that means I'm too introverted to ever have any kids... XD
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Well I'm neurotic to extent but I only have one *****.
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****, well I guess I can't really disagree with that, but I can say that he obviously has something going for him, haha!