0 votes
in Living by
The media are behind ********** marriage in every way possible. The latest cover of Newsweek leads with a cover story stating that President Obama is “The First *** President.” The President is shown with a rainbow hallow around his head.

The New Yorker magazine’s new cover shows the White House with rainbow columns. Please tell me what a rainbow has to do with same-*** ***? Nothing, and that’s the point. Using the word ‘***’ and choosing the rainbow image to represent the ********** rights movement were deliberate acts of distraction. How many times have you ever heard someone describe what *********** do that makes them ***********?

Men and women were designed to be compatible ********. Two men or two women engaged in a ****** relationship will never reproduce. This type of feedback should tell anyone engaging in the practice that the behavior is illogical. ********** ‘marriage’ is like screwing two incandescent bulbs together and expecting light to come forth. ********** behavior is like sticking a square peg into a round **** over and over again and expecting a different result sometime in the future.

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37 Answers

0 votes
And reading your post about your hatred and misunderstanding of ************* is like listening to a toilet flush...

Anything else?
0 votes
And reading your post about your hatred and misunderstanding of ************* is like listening to a toilet flush...

Anything else?
0 votes
Such a narrow-minded individual you are. Simply because you do not understand the nature of a ********** relationship does not give credence to the notion you hold that it is unnatural. You obviously do not understand the power of love. You equate ************* with *** and only ***. You are ignorant as to the depth that love has on the human heart. Does love for you only mean *** that can produce prodigy?
0 votes
"Men and women were designed to be compatible ********. Two men or two women engaged in a ****** relationship will never reproduce."


1) Who gives a f@ck?

2) All you're saying is that marriage is only about getting your rocks off. If you're comfortable marrying someone who wants to marry you only because he thinks of you as a piece of ***, you're free to do that in this country. But what makes you think that you have the right to deny others the right to marry because they choose to do so based on love, commitment or a covenant with ***? You are free to think that love, commitment and covenants with *** are BS, but you do not have the right to prevent people from exercising choosing to base their lives on those things.
0 votes
Nice rant. Who do you know with a square peg? It sounds painful. I bet they have medications for that now.

Anyway, plenty of heterosexuals engage in a similar type of ***...does that make them "illogical"? Probably not.
0 votes
Actually, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Also, on a side note, wouldn't sticking something into a **** represent heterosexuality? And it's not really possible to screw two light bulbs together. You can, however, hold them side by side and marvel at the fact that, even with no light, they are brighter than you will ever be.
0 votes
Dude....! I love that image.....
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the last ride
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obama hi hater

Why do you care? Unless you trying to figure out how to classify yourself ... oh that is it ... sweetie this is not the platform for that....
0 votes
President Obama is not ***, I have friends that smoke, I detest cigarettes, but it doesn't cause me to dislike them for making the choice to smoke. I've worked with women that practice *************, just as I have worked with married men and women. For whatever reason the male and female do not act in appropriate ******** in the work place, but the two women find it necessary to do things and say things that shouldn't be said. If they are reprimanded, the first thing that they cry is ****** discrimination. I personally believe that a marriage should be between a woman and a man, as does President Obama, which is why he's married to a female. Just because you don't believe in same *** marriage, according to our laws, I think that you have to honor the choices that people make for themselves. All of us are given a brain, and we are taught right from wrong, and we have a choice to either do or don't do. I have never seen so many messed up women (and men) in all of my life, why is it that many *********** have therapy, bite their nails, make real bad decisions where their ******** are concerned, and then sometimes the ******** *** up having psychological problems. We were made male and female, and I have heard that sometimes at birth something goes wrong in the reproducti...
President Obama is not ***, I have friends that smoke, I detest cigarettes, but it doesn't cause me to dislike them for making the choice to smoke. I've worked with women that practice *************, just as I have worked with married men and women. For whatever reason the male and female do not act in appropriate ******** in the work place, but the two women find it necessary to do things and say things that shouldn't be said. If they are reprimanded, the first thing that they cry is ****** discrimination. I personally believe that a marriage should be between a woman and a man, as does President Obama, which is why he's married to a female. Just because you don't believe in same *** marriage, according to our laws, I think that you have to honor the choices that people make for themselves. All of us are given a brain, and we are taught right from wrong, and we have a choice to either do or don't do. I have never seen so many messed up women (and men) in all of my life, why is it that many *********** have therapy, bite their nails, make real bad decisions where their ******** are concerned, and then sometimes the ******** *** up having psychological problems. We were made male and female, and I have heard that sometimes at birth something goes wrong in the reproductive organs, and that usually a decision is made by the parents as to what the gender of the ***** should be. I pray for those who have experienced this, on a whole our society is a tad bit loose, and parents need to step up to the plate and parent. If this was the case, more kids would stay in school, graduate and live adjusted lives. Young women are having babies by men that don't support them or the baby, yet they give the baby the daddies last name. I just see so much that is perplexing to me, and most of it is because of making bad choices and bad decisions. Frequently a bad decision/choice can mess you up for a life time. I thank *** for my mother, father, and grandparents, I use to think that my grandfather was mean, but as I continued to mature, I really appreciated him. None of the females in our immediate family (back in the day) had babies out of wedlock, we all worked and had good work ethics, we were proud, didn't get into trouble, background checks to this day are squeaky clean, and I credit this to good parenting. I feel for politicians, Democratic, Independent and Republican, freedom of speech, spirituality and now race (since we have a Black president), if it's not one thing, it's fifty other things to worry about, *** help us all.
0 votes
Parents need to instruct their ******** that any time this is addressed in their classroom that they ask their teachers to be excused from the room.

In addition, if the indoctrination persists, parents should start keeping their ***** home from the school one day per week, which affects how much funding the schools get from the county.

Once there is enough participation and a 20% drop in school funding, perhaps they'll start getting the message.
0 votes
I don't see an issue and I find this mildly offensive

The hypocrisy on both sides disgusts me. but specifically the right disgusts me on this issue. you ***** and complain about *********** and the idea of them getting married as somehow inherently offensive and how marriage is an institution of *** (which it isn't, you just usurped it) you make up lies about how *** marriage is bad for ******** yet you give no proof. you say that *** couples give rise to *** ********, which it doesn't, you can't "give someone the ***".

"This type of feedback should tell anyone engaging in the practice that the behavior is illogical." it's pretty illogical to focus on a topic that has little to no consequence as letting people marry when there's bigger, actual important issues out there.

how about instead of lying about how *** marriage affects you(because it doesn't and never will affect you), you put your energy on important issues.
0 votes
Skedaddle back to the trailer park. Your Wife aka Sister is waiting for her chewing tobacco and PBR.
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Oh come now, you can do better than that. It's too easy to mock points of view that you dislike. While I don't agree with Rebel on this one issue, I'd ****** say she is un intelligent.
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His view says volumes about his intellect or lack thereof.
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But you shouldn't let your response to other people's intellect speak volumes about YOURS.

I always say discuss the issue, not the person.
0 votes
Ron Paul voted AGAINST the MLK Holiday.
Really ? lol

Ron Paul voted AGAINST awarding Rosa Parks the Congressional Medal of Freedom.

Ron Paul said he would have voted AGAINST the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Paul has a 30 year history of pandering to the KKK and White Power Movement.

You can make all the LAME excuses for White Supremacist Ron Paul you want. His actions speak louder than words

-FACT: Ron Paul's presidential campaign issued a flyer that boasted about the candidate's efforts to introduce legislation that would remove challenges to the anti-*** Defense of Marriage Act from the federal court system.

-FACT: Ron Paul's Iowa state director is Mike Heath, a long-term Christian-right activist who formerly served as the board chairman of an SPLC-certified anti-*** hate group known as "Americans for Truth About *************."

-FACT: Ron Paul has a long history of racist, **********, and anti-Semitic comments.

-FACT: As state above, Ron Paul supports the so-called "states' rights" approach to marriage, but interestingly, only for LGBT couples.

-FACT: Ron Paul said, "If I were in Congress in 1996, I would have voted for the Defense of Marriage Act, which used Cong...

Ron Paul voted AGAINST the MLK Holiday.
Really ? lol

Ron Paul voted AGAINST awarding Rosa Parks the Congressional Medal of Freedom.

Ron Paul said he would have voted AGAINST the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Paul has a 30 year history of pandering to the KKK and White Power Movement.

You can make all the LAME excuses for White Supremacist Ron Paul you want. His actions speak louder than words

-FACT: Ron Paul's presidential campaign issued a flyer that boasted about the candidate's efforts to introduce legislation that would remove challenges to the anti-*** Defense of Marriage Act from the federal court system.

-FACT: Ron Paul's Iowa state director is Mike Heath, a long-term Christian-right activist who formerly served as the board chairman of an SPLC-certified anti-*** hate group known as "Americans for Truth About *************."

-FACT: Ron Paul has a long history of racist, **********, and anti-Semitic comments.

-FACT: As state above, Ron Paul supports the so-called "states' rights" approach to marriage, but interestingly, only for LGBT couples.

-FACT: Ron Paul said, "If I were in Congress in 1996, I would have voted for the Defense of Marriage Act, which used Congress' constitutional authority to define what official state documents other states have to recognize under the Full Faith and Credit Clause, to ensure that no state would be forced to recognize a same-*** marriage license issued in another state."

-FACT: Ron Paul opposes the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (****), which would prohibit discrimination against employees on the basis of ****** orientation or gender identity by civilian, nonreligious employers.
0 votes
"Two men or two women engaged in a ****** relationship will never reproduce."

I think that if you ask people which of these two options best characterize the institution of marriage...

(A) An institution designed to insure that the union can succeed in a copulation that produces offspring.

(B) An institution that's dedicated to a person's loving commitment with their partner for life.

...it shouldn't be surprising that most people would choose "B".
0 votes
Honestly, I have no idea why the rainbow has become a symbol commonly used by the *** community. When I was a kid, leprecauns were about the only individuals commonoy ********** with rainbows.
Addressing your second point. There are lots of straight married couples who don't now and don't intend to have ********, for a variety of reasons. Do you suggest that their marriages are somehow illigitimate for that reason? Set aside the fact that options such as adoption and surrogacy are viable and readily available. Procreation is not the sole purpose for marriage. Marriage is first and foremost the single greatest affiramtion of one individuals love and committment to another. A symbolic binding of two individuals into a single unified entity for the rest of their lives. The gender of the individuals involved isn't as important as is the strength of their convictions.
0 votes
A square peg? Really? I believe **** should have equal rights including marriage, but I have trouble supporting their demands as long as they seem to be worse than straights at discriminating against zoophilia. Animal lovers deserve rights too.
trouble supporting demands straights discriminating zoophilia animal lovers deserve rights
trouble supporting demands straights discriminating zoophilia animal lovers deserve rights
trouble supporting demands straights discriminating zoophilia animal lovers deserve rights
0 votes
I think the rainbow is for our flamboyant tastes. My favorite ***, Huehuecoyotl (Old Man Coyote) is pretty colorful.
rainbow iis flamboyant tastes god huehuecoyotl ol coyote pretty colorful
0 votes
Why are you so concerned with other people? I think getting into someone *** life and judging it means you have way too much time on your hands.
Take up a hobby, maybe read a book, **** build something but stay out of other people's business!
0 votes
Guess what else is unnatural? Pretty much everything we do.
0 votes
You can procreate by having ***, sure, but 99% of the time people are not having *** to procreate. So stating that *** between man and woman is the only option acceptable simply because you get a baby that way. . . just simply isn't a logical or practical stance on the issue. I'm not even going to mention infertile heterosexual couples who repeatedly have *** with each other. . . knowing **** well they shouldn't be doing it since they obviously aren't going to be pushing out those babies any time soon. Are we designed as male and female naturally to procreate? Sure. That's how we continuously populate the earth, but that's a procreative option we have available to us. If you suggest that *** should be strictly limited to making babies, then stop masturbating and using condoms. ************* is nothing more than a ****** option that some people truly enjoy and its not hurting anybody and we are still populating the earth and life continues to go on. Now about the Rainbow: The rainbow flag/symbol was designed by San Francisco artist Gilbert Baker in 1978 to represent diversity and acceptance. Rainbow flags are not terrible uncommon in other groups or cultures and there has never been a silly or offensive connotation involving the rainbow as a symbol. Even in the bible it shows how much *** loves a good rainbow.
0 votes
I am an Evangelical Fundamentalist Christian. I came to California from the Philippines about six years ago. I just do not understand American Fundamentalist Christians. We do not discriminate against *********** in the Philippines the way you do in America. Baklas http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... are an integral part of our society and well accepted, a prominent part of our entertainment like the Filipino Channel on American TV. We do sometimes laugh at, even ridicule, baklas, but we do not condemn or ostracize them.
0 votes
There is neither a protuberance nor orifice on the human body that is square. This is something they should have taught you in school, unless you went to one of those religious schools where the answer to every question on the science quiz is "*** did it".
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Because marriage is all about what people do with their junk right?
0 votes
Has it dawned on you that some people don't get into relationships to have ********? Your man or woman parts don't tell you what *** you're suppose to be with.

Besides, it's their life, it's their business what they do.
0 votes
Good news, your opinion on this question is worth exactly what we paid for it.
0 votes
My girlfriend and I perform acts *********** use that can't reproduce offspring.*** it never dawned on me I must be ********. ;)
0 votes
I suppose, then, that you're very opposed to masturbation, which is a ****** act that will never result in reproduction. Are you opposed to oral ***, mutual masturbation and **** *** between same *** couples? I suppose you're also opposed to any post-menopausal women getting married, right? You must be very opposed to men getting vasectomies, or to any sort of birth control.

As far as using rainbows and the word "***," all kinds of organizations and movements have chosen all kinds of labels and symbols since, well, since just about as long as there have been organizations and movements. Did the United States put stars on its flag as a "deliberate act of distraction?"
0 votes
Oh yeah, the Earth is running out of resources. Billions live on the edge of starvation. Global warming is accelerating and threatens to bring catastrophic drought and extremes of storms, and your solution is Breed, breed,, breed. Make ever more customers for the church industry,

So what would you select for the symbol of bigotry? A noose round the neck of all that are "other" than you?
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Honey, there is electricity and light that comes forth when my girlfriend and I get together.
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YOU must feel that square peg into a round **** thing every day as you try to force your 17th century ideas into a 21st century society . . . .

17th century  ignorance
0 votes
Yes, square pegs. Sounds right. the logo of those who oppose same *** marriage
is close. But I think this is far more accurate.
burning cross
0 votes
I disagree with you on this topic. People being *** should not concern anyone but the parties involved romantically, and definitely not the public as a whole. Marriage is a secular contract with the government showing union and should never have been made religious in the eyes of the government. If people want to be married and recognized by their religious organization, awesome! but we all get a marriage license to make it final and limiting people because they don't fit a particular mold just doesn't make any sense. **** are not asking to be married in church. They simply want the same rights that everyone else is allowed. If a convicted felon on death row is allowed to marry, why aren't ****? it's insulting, and I'm straight.

This SHOULD NOT BE AN ISSUE IN THE UPCOMING ELECTIONS. It's a distraction from the real issues and we need to demand they stop trying to divert us as if we are lower intelligence beings.
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Umm... What does that have to do with this post?