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40 Answers

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Unfortunately that is the American ideal, but it is often "not" the reality. Sadly, it is usually religious folks persecuting "other" religious folks, as well as non-religious people.
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Show some evidence any of those people are being persecuted/shunned.
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..or much better yet, no religion at all !...religions are a pointless, unnecessary burden...(and christians are the very last people who should be whining about being "persecuted"...)
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But that is only partially true.
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It would be nice if that was the case, but apparently you've never been to the bible belt (I live in Texas and am from Louisiana). The amount of persecution from Christians is to ridiculous levels.

Also: InB4 someone says it's not as bad as a Muslim country or whatever. It's still not as good as any of the other first world countries and that is a true shame since we pretend to be better than them
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Except many good Christians are the ones being persecuted, do the research.
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Uh huh, sure they are. Again, apparently you've never been to the bible belt. I don't care what you're religion is: It doesn't belong in the law and it's not a reason to have free stuff or a reason to hurt people like it is down here where if you aren't a Christian you can't even be elected. It is virtually impossible for any minority religion to gain any kind of power in the US even if, if not for their religious differences, Christians might have agreed with them. Please tell me more about how the overwhelmingly sweltering majority is being persecuted.
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christian oppression pie chart lol
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Yes, but I think that freedom is closing in on us. I mean atheists are crucified for their beliefs and even agnostics are somewhat shunned. And Paganism isn't exactly welcomed with open arms either. **** are still persecuted, so actually my answer should have been no because we do have more freedom than other countries, but we are still fighting over different belief systems. I have friends I cannot even discuss my beliefs. . .I just don't want to go through the hassle of their judgements.
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Liberals are doing what they can to legalize persecution of anyone who's not like them.
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Government is used to persecute Christians, while promoting the "rights" of Muslims.
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The ghost dance is still outlawed by the american government, natives have NEVER EVER had freedom of religion.
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Natives are doing fine, also many natives in the distant past were anything but innocent.
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0 votes
Every American should watch that video'
I know most of them will deny that it happened but we know the truth...
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Religious persecution happens all the time here in the United States. *********** can't married who happen to be Christian also. Muslims constantly receiving death threats, as if they were ALL BAD. Even non religious people get persecuted. The list goes on.
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all muslims are bad actually, the very basis of the religion downgrades women into being less then males......that alone proves the religion is bad.
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... at least not by our government, whiners about secularism aside.
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It is close to that but some other countries are more tolerant of christians!
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LOL!!! I don't believe in ORGANIZED RELIGIONs of any kind, and am harassed here by Christians all the time.

This is no longer the land of the free, especially when it comes to our freedom of how to worship.
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*** bless America, and EVERYPLACE else.
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Or no ****** religion at all.
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Repeating the lie doesn't make it true
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Although I bet muslims might disagree about the "not being persecuted" part.
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Even as an atheist.
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Legally anyway. I'm an atheist and I get treated horribly for not believing in any religion. I've also had friends who were of many other religions, usually if they're not Christian, they're going to get some kind of harassment. My best friend in high school was muslim. She was treated horribly. There were times where I had to walk her from class to class or stand with her until her mother came to pick her up because she was getting harassed or given death threats. One time, I had to take her out of school in the middle of the day because she was so scared. To this day, she's still one of the sweetest girls I've ever met. She didn't deserve that. Luckily, I was rather well respected in that school so when people saw me, they'd leave her alone, or if they saw me walking towards her they'd leave, but when she was on her own, it was another ordeal. Same for Mormons that I knew, (I used to be one, so I know first hand how they're treated). There was an amish community close by and they'd come to wal-mart in packs sometimes. People would shout mean things at them or make fun of them. Or they'd talk loudly to the person they were with so they could hear them saying horrible things about them. I've seen horrible mistreatment of Jewish people. The list goes on and on. It was usually Christians doing it too. Not always, but most of the time.
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I think everyone is pretty cool with the religions of others as long as they aren't trying to
push our nation towards rulership by one particular religion.
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Yes but sadly enough that seems to be changing.
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I depends what you consider persecuted?I see is a big move out there to bully, debase, devalue, and humiliate anyone of any kind of religion. There is a prevailing attitude and thread of thought to demean all those that believe in a infinite being. It is not fever pitch but it is in the bowels of a movement to de-****** everything.
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There are issues in our country, but overall...it is fantastic that we live in a country where we are free to worship or not worship who and what we want.
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Unless, of course, you are a Christian. Then you are castigated for your beliefs.
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And in Australia I can not only choose to follow religion - but also (and most importantly for me) choose NOT to! YAY!
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I'm not sure that that is always the case.
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unfortunately , that which is written on paper(Constitution) does not always bare true to reality, The Muslims since Sept 11, have been persecuted, so have the Fundamentalist Mormons and Jehovah's Witness.
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I would be glad, if that were entirely true. Most Americans still equate Atheists with rapists and murderers.
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That is not entirely true.
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not at all true, every religion is persecuted by all the other religions
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Atheists persecute all religions as well.
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No they aren't all bad, some of them don't even believe the ****** laws of the koran should exist. Christianity has laws that teaches to belittle women as well. Are you going to say they are all bad as well?