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34 Answers

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0 votes
Well, you're American, so how's this for a stat:

US Population
Religious - 76%
Non-religious 14%

US Prison Population
Religious - 99.8%
Non-religious - 0.2%

Looks like the non-religious - among whom atheists are included - are a much safer bet to turn your back on. Of course, your opinion wasn't based on anything like data or facts, just based on emotion (in this case, religious bigotry). That's often the problem with emotional opinions - they're wrong, and they become unchangeable, even in the presence of facts and data.
0 votes
he will just quote you as his source. that apparently is all he is capable of doing
0 votes

Ah, look another false accusation from an arrogant atheist............ go figure.

I don't suppose since you are going to call me a liar that you are actually going to SUPPORT that claim by actually responding to my EVIDENCE of the various stages in life during which people find religion.................... no?

I didn't think so. You go ahead and bury your head in your own arrogant ignorance. After all..................... I hear it is bliss.

For now I'll keep an open mind on any EVIDENCE you have to support your claim that the ONLY PLACE people find religion is as a brain washed *****.

I'm not expecting much but I am open to the evidence. Oh yeah and don't forget to QUOTE A SOURCE.
0 votes
"I'm used to uninformed ARROGANT atheists"

And I'm used to religious bigotry.

"running from SUPPORTED opinions."

And religious people having to lie.
0 votes
Don't sweat it.

I'm used to uninformed ARROGANT atheists running from SUPPORTED opinions. You get used to it after a while.
0 votes
Sorry, can't be bothered opening a post that has so much crap at the start of it.
0 votes
Adjective: Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.

You demonstrate this as you FAIL miserably at trying to show how your OPINION is correct yet unsupported and OTHERS must therefore be wrong. You actually fit the word quite well. LOL

Your whole basis for your ARROGANT opinion is that these prisoners found religion at home........ your EVIDENCE for this. Oh and by the way since you don't seem to comprehend the word......

ev·i·dence   /ˈɛvɪdəns/ Show Spelled
[ev-i-duhns] noun, verb, -denced, -denc·ing.
1. that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.
2. something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign: His flushed look was visible evidence of his fever.
3. Law . data presented to a court or jury in proof of the facts in issue and which may include the testimony of witnesses, records, documents, or objects.

Since your simple statement below doesn't fit into that category try giving some REAL evidence.....

"When their parents indoctrinated them into it during *********. That's how all religions are transmitted. Didn't you know that? "

Your statement here shows your IGNORANCE on the subject. You seem to believe that the ONLY way to find religion is as a *****.....

Adjective: Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.

You demonstrate this as you FAIL miserably at trying to show how your OPINION is correct yet unsupported and OTHERS must therefore be wrong. You actually fit the word quite well. LOL

Your whole basis for your ARROGANT opinion is that these prisoners found religion at home........ your EVIDENCE for this. Oh and by the way since you don't seem to comprehend the word......

ev·i·dence   /ˈɛvɪdəns/ Show Spelled
[ev-i-duhns] noun, verb, -denced, -denc·ing.
1. that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.
2. something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign: His flushed look was visible evidence of his fever.
3. Law . data presented to a court or jury in proof of the facts in issue and which may include the testimony of witnesses, records, documents, or objects.

Since your simple statement below doesn't fit into that category try giving some REAL evidence.....

"When their parents indoctrinated them into it during *********. That's how all religions are transmitted. Didn't you know that? "

Your statement here shows your IGNORANCE on the subject. You seem to believe that the ONLY way to find religion is as a *****....... were you spoon fed ignorance as a ***** or did you work **** to get to be this dense?

BTW - Posts like this....
"Religious indoctrination occurs in infancy and *********. Anyone knowledgable on this subject knows this, and surely doesn't need to have it pointed out. You're really not very bright, and it would appear that you are truly incapable of a coherent post."

Demonstrate your ARROGANCE, the world has TONS of people that found religion as ******. LOL

This article talks about OLD PEOPLE becoming religious.....

This one poses the question WHY do older people turn to relgion.

This one shows statistics that show MORE OLDER PEOPLE are religious than younger.

Put all of these articles together and you have EVIDENCE that people aren't INDOCTRINATED at birth but simply grow up. Combine these FACTS with my question earlier and you MIGHT with some modicum of intellect begin to understand the relevance of my question......

WHEN did these prisoners find religion?

And if you are simply going to state again that it was at birth and give ZERO supporting evidence.......... I am through with your illgoical whining. If you have some for of INTELLIGENT EVIDENCE to support your OPINION then I'd be happy to continue an intellectual conversation.........

I'm not holding my breath though.
0 votes
"WHEN did these people find religion?"

When their parents indoctrinated them into it during *********. That's how all religions are transmitted. Didn't you know that?

"Typical atheist hypocrisy"

Typical religious bigotry to make such a statement. Now, if only you could demonstrate some sort of hypocrisy.

"yet YOUR *********** and bigotry"

Pointing out your bigotry doesen't make me a bigot, just like going to war against the Nazis didn't make the Allied soldiers Nazis. I realise that religious bigots don't have anything else they CAN say, other than "I know you are but what am I", but really, it's tiresome having to point this out to bigots. Pointing out bigotry makes me an anti-bigot, not one of you.

"yes I am in the habit of calling OPINIONS arrogant when they are simply NOT supported by facts or even ALL of the possibilities."

Well, then you'll be calling your own observations arrogant, I guess. But opinions that aren't supported by fact are not "arrogant". They would be unsupported opinons, but not necessarily arrogant. It would appear that you don't know what "arrogant" means. I wish I could say that surprises or disappoints me, but it doesn't.

"this ******* that they were religious all along. Did you have some supporting EVIDENCE or do you simply run on OP...

"WHEN did these people find religion?"

When their parents indoctrinated them into it during *********. That's how all religions are transmitted. Didn't you know that?

"Typical atheist hypocrisy"

Typical religious bigotry to make such a statement. Now, if only you could demonstrate some sort of hypocrisy.

"yet YOUR *********** and bigotry"

Pointing out your bigotry doesen't make me a bigot, just like going to war against the Nazis didn't make the Allied soldiers Nazis. I realise that religious bigots don't have anything else they CAN say, other than "I know you are but what am I", but really, it's tiresome having to point this out to bigots. Pointing out bigotry makes me an anti-bigot, not one of you.

"yes I am in the habit of calling OPINIONS arrogant when they are simply NOT supported by facts or even ALL of the possibilities."

Well, then you'll be calling your own observations arrogant, I guess. But opinions that aren't supported by fact are not "arrogant". They would be unsupported opinons, but not necessarily arrogant. It would appear that you don't know what "arrogant" means. I wish I could say that surprises or disappoints me, but it doesn't.

"this ******* that they were religious all along. Did you have some supporting EVIDENCE or do you simply run on OPINION. LOL"

Religious indoctrination occurs in infancy and *********. Anyone knowledgable on this subject knows this, and surely doesn't need to have it pointed out. You're really not very bright, and it would appear that you are truly incapable of a coherent post.
0 votes

I gave you THREE options. I used a bit of sarcasm in the first sentence and then went into an explanation of how YOUR LIMITED VIEW (my third option) was the ONLY possibility in your OPINION. It is funny how you state the same tired old statistic about how the religious are uneducated. By your definition and your claims in this last post 85% of the country is uneducated and poor.

Sorry but your logic simply ....................... isn't logic.

you stated....
"Prisoners tend to be uneducated and poor. The uneducated and poor are highly religious. There are other factors in the prison religious percentages data than the ********** by some that people "find religion" in prison. There's no need to find something you had all along. "

this ******* that they were religious all along. Did you have some supporting EVIDENCE or do you simply run on OPINION. LOL

then you stated....
"What this data does show is that when you ask the prison population to name their religion, 99.8% name a religion, in contrast to doing so on the average American street, when only 85% do so. Anything beyond that can be speculated on, but not definitively. "

It is IRONIC that you said that ANYTHING beyond that can be speculated on, but not definitely. Because YOU ******* that these peop...


I gave you THREE options. I used a bit of sarcasm in the first sentence and then went into an explanation of how YOUR LIMITED VIEW (my third option) was the ONLY possibility in your OPINION. It is funny how you state the same tired old statistic about how the religious are uneducated. By your definition and your claims in this last post 85% of the country is uneducated and poor.

Sorry but your logic simply ....................... isn't logic.

you stated....
"Prisoners tend to be uneducated and poor. The uneducated and poor are highly religious. There are other factors in the prison religious percentages data than the ********** by some that people "find religion" in prison. There's no need to find something you had all along. "

this ******* that they were religious all along. Did you have some supporting EVIDENCE or do you simply run on OPINION. LOL

then you stated....
"What this data does show is that when you ask the prison population to name their religion, 99.8% name a religion, in contrast to doing so on the average American street, when only 85% do so. Anything beyond that can be speculated on, but not definitively. "

It is IRONIC that you said that ANYTHING beyond that can be speculated on, but not definitely. Because YOU ******* that these people had religion BEFORE prison yet that was NOT stated in the stat. Simply that people who were ALREADY PRISONERS were asked this. Not people were asked this BEFORE PRISON. You see how easy it is to manipulate data. You make an ********** based on info NOT GIVEN.

As for your other question, yes I am in the habit of calling OPINIONS arrogant when they are simply NOT supported by facts or even ALL of the possibilities. You ******* there was only one possibility as to WHEN these people became religious yet you DO NOT KNOW. Then you had the audacity to call me a 'religious bigot' since I called you out on it.

Funny part is you said you wouldn't converse with me if I ******* and were a bigot, yet YOUR *********** and bigotry are the SOLE BASIS for your entire point.

Typical atheist hypocrisy. So do you actually have the EVIDENCE to back up your OPINION or am I to simply 'take your word for it'?

WHEN did these people find religion?
0 votes
***** Meeshuk.

"This goes to show that people who have been found guilty of crimes then find religion."

No, it doesn't show that. This is an ********** on your part. Just making *********** is not a valid or rational way to arrive at opinions. Prisoners tend to be uneducated and poor. The uneducated and poor are highly religious. There are other factors in the prison religious percentages data than the ********** by some that people "find religion" in prison. There's no need to find something you had all along.

What this data does show is that when you ask the prison population to name their religion, 99.8% name a religion, in contrast to doing so on the average American street, when only 85% do so. Anything beyond that can be speculated on, but not definitively.

"then there is YOUR arrogant supposition"

If you are in the habit of ******** that any opinion which you disagree with must be demonised by calling it "arrogant", then you are a person who is probably incapable of a decent, intelligent conversation. There is nothing "humble" about your opinion at all ("JMHO"), you're just another person who reacts with rudeness to any opinion but your own. Indeed, your use of the blanket smear "IGNORANT atheists" merely indicates you are just another religious bigot, which ma...

***** Meeshuk.

"This goes to show that people who have been found guilty of crimes then find religion."

No, it doesn't show that. This is an ********** on your part. Just making *********** is not a valid or rational way to arrive at opinions. Prisoners tend to be uneducated and poor. The uneducated and poor are highly religious. There are other factors in the prison religious percentages data than the ********** by some that people "find religion" in prison. There's no need to find something you had all along.

What this data does show is that when you ask the prison population to name their religion, 99.8% name a religion, in contrast to doing so on the average American street, when only 85% do so. Anything beyond that can be speculated on, but not definitively.

"then there is YOUR arrogant supposition"

If you are in the habit of ******** that any opinion which you disagree with must be demonised by calling it "arrogant", then you are a person who is probably incapable of a decent, intelligent conversation. There is nothing "humble" about your opinion at all ("JMHO"), you're just another person who reacts with rudeness to any opinion but your own. Indeed, your use of the blanket smear "IGNORANT atheists" merely indicates you are just another religious bigot, which makes all the above intellectual defects quite predictable.

If you would like to have a decent and intelligent conversation, remove the bigotry and *********** from your post, and we can try again. If not, I certainly can't be bothered reading what you have to say.
0 votes
Interesting stat. This goes to show that people who have been found guilty of crimes then find religion. I wonder how much of that is show just to get out of prison and how much of it is people who have TRULY turned from their lives of crime.

Oh yeah then there is YOUR arrogant supposition that these people were all religious BEFORE going to prison. I wonder if you understand just how EASY it is to manipulate statistical data to draw your own conclusions as you just did.

The TRUTH of the matter is that there are MANY possibilities behind these data points as I have just pointed out. IGNORANT atheists however, seem to input their own BIASED BELIEFS behind these VAGUE data points to prove a NON-EXISTENT point.

0 votes
*****, Iamnothere.

"so the population tends to get skewed heavily"

That's not what the results show. What the results show is that when you ask people to state their religion, only 2 people in a thousand say "none" inside of prisons, while 15 in a hundred say "none" outside of prisons.

The population doesn't "tend to get skewed heavily", the prison population is made up of mostly very poor and very uneducated people, and such people are almost all religious. I don't point this out to ridicule the religious, I only ever point it out when religionists make unfounded claims about a relationship between religious belief and moral behaviour. Cheers.
0 votes
when you have nothing else to turn to *** is not a bad thing.. so the population tends to get skewed heavily
0 votes
"So I know all canadians arent . . ."

Yet another American xenophobe. What a surprise. Here's a shock - I don't ****** all Americans are exactly like you! I know, I know - how could I not think that? Dumbass.
0 votes
"you really want to beat this to death true?"

Well, maybe for you saying false things is no big deal, but for those of us who value truth, they are.

"it only proves that a majority of americans express a religious comviction and we tolerate the atheists"

Erm, no, the stats I provided indicate that your claim that there would be "less chance of a bullet in the back" from a Christian than an atheist is a complete inversion of reality. The safest place a person could live would be among a community of overt atheists. I'm not bragging about that, I'm merely correcting your incorrect claim otherwise, because it has implications for how you view the world, and treat people.

The rest of your post seems to be largely off-topic and rambling.
0 votes
You completely missed the point. People have thousands of beliefs. Religious beliefs are just one tiny area that people have beliefs about. I believe that public schools should have mandatory uniforms. And I'm an atheist. Therefore, atheists have beliefs.

"but I would turn my back to a christian more readily than an atheist. less change of a bullet in the back."

What a retarded statement.
0 votes
Love the part.. about athiests watch football in their underpants LOL
0 votes
Even though I disagree with atheists they still have their right to express their views.
0 votes
Interesting posters!

You really got some people goin down there, didn't ya??

There's nothing stranger than people...
0 votes
some are even nice
0 votes
I almost choked on my spit. Thanks for the morning laugh.
0 votes
WOW! You really put Organized religion in perspective.
0 votes
thank *** for the second ammendment 8-)
freedom OF religion, and FROM it as well.
0 votes
My rave review to those who make me think.
0 votes
agreed.. that is why I did put posters up that could be argued either way
0 votes
How do you get from "atheists don't believe in any ****" to "atheists have no beliefs"?
0 votes
Opening up minds are you?
0 votes
it is not easy but someone needs to do it :)
0 votes
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0 votes
Kool aid
0 votes
Can't disagree with any of those posters. Cheers.
0 votes
0 votes
Yeah he seems to believe himself to be an intellectual. I personally believe that requires GREAT FAITH. After all there is NO VISIBLE EVIDENCE. LOL