It's a pity that some here are posting things conveying the message that if you don't drill it into the heads of believers that their *** DOES NOT exist, you are complicit in their dilusion. However, it is not, according to them, a necessity for a believer to drill it into the heads of non-believers that the believer's *** DOES exist. Seems like the old 'double standard' or 'do as I say, not as I do' mentality. I am a believer in ***, and I wish everyone believed, but I know by my own ***'s words that not everyone will be saved, nor believe. So, I only answer questions posed to me, I don't volunteer any information without request decause I realize that anyone I speak to about *** or Jesus Christ must be receptive and must have a desire to hear about them or I am wasting my time (casting pearls before swine). Most believers are not content to follow the direction of ***'s word which says, 'work out your own salivation', and are somehow overcome with trying to save the world. Jesus walked out to the sea shore and people followed, He didn't grab them and drag them to His meetings. Overzealousness is worse than not doing anything, and most believers (AND ATHEISTS) don't realize that. Forcing anything on anyone is wrong. If a person is going to believe in ***, they will believe, a...
It's a pity that some here are posting things conveying the message that if you don't drill it into the heads of believers that their *** DOES NOT exist, you are complicit in their dilusion. However, it is not, according to them, a necessity for a believer to drill it into the heads of non-believers that the believer's *** DOES exist. Seems like the old 'double standard' or 'do as I say, not as I do' mentality. I am a believer in ***, and I wish everyone believed, but I know by my own ***'s words that not everyone will be saved, nor believe. So, I only answer questions posed to me, I don't volunteer any information without request decause I realize that anyone I speak to about *** or Jesus Christ must be receptive and must have a desire to hear about them or I am wasting my time (casting pearls before swine). Most believers are not content to follow the direction of ***'s word which says, 'work out your own salivation', and are somehow overcome with trying to save the world. Jesus walked out to the sea shore and people followed, He didn't grab them and drag them to His meetings. Overzealousness is worse than not doing anything, and most believers (AND ATHEISTS) don't realize that. Forcing anything on anyone is wrong. If a person is going to believe in ***, they will believe, and no amount of convincing otherwise will sway them. You can tell me all the common sense reasons for not believing that you want to, but faith is not based on common (carnal) sense, it is UNcommon sense that makes no sense to believers in common sense. Faith defies common sense because it is not based on common beliefs of carnal mankind, faith is based on the spiritual side of mankind and the carnal and spiritual are constantly at odds with each other. If these two are not in contention against each other in your life, you are already lost and Satan has you right where he wants you. Nevertheless, it should be obvious to believers as well as non-believers, that pushing your beliefs on another person is wrong. Comments should only be made when you are asked and both sides should respect the other. THAT'S common sense.