AS A SIR?? What the....
I am as equal as you, ecxept if you had fought in a war, next to dieing soldiers, or got a PhD on anything. I will one day be as old as you are, and know that ******** wont talk to me like I am an actual sir.
You asked questions? i dont see where, please clarify.
And no, im not going to go to **** will. I have read most of the bible in my early life. (in pure interest) This made me more of an aheist I already was. I would rather turn to Jesus's word, instead of ***'s.
Now, onto science. people work their lifes trying to find out why we are living the way we are, why people get terrible deseases, and furthermore, finding out that global warming is caused by us, more than ever! If you deny this, i would rather die listening to an atheist like Sir Dawkins, than learn fairy tales and remember them the day i die.
As a matter of fact, i am debating, not being rude. Im sorry if i offended you.