0 votes
in Living by
Isn't it actually ****** and racist to ****** that no matter the circumstances, a white male who works his way up to making lots of money is privileged? Does that imply that Blacks and Women can't? That seems to be pretty racist and ******, considering the way equal opportunity is proclaimed in this country, and the fact that we have Culture Diversity Quotas in the government and workplace. Doesn't that actually denigrate the guy who could've worked his way from homelessness, and/or with a single parent, and/or to getting a job, and/or to pay for college, and/or to study ****, and/or to receive an advanced degree, and/or rising to the top of a career and making millions? Or was that just because of white male privilege?

...I mean, my *********** could be very wrong! This is a question, as a matter of fact so I am looking for valid, informed input and answers to enlighten or strengthen my views.

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31 Answers

0 votes
It's called race pimping.
0 votes
Yup, that's definitely true. And I'm not saying white men cant be dangerous. But, Police officers usually, not always, but usually give benefit of the doubt with white men instead of black men. Officer told a black man to get his license, then shot him cause he went to go get it. I've also seen white men yell back at officers, tell them what they aren't going to do, and get away with it. I'm sure there were many different things going on as why that is so, but driving while black is more of a crime than driving while white. And don't let a black man be driving in a nice neighborhood or with a nice car. He gonna be pulled over in seconds.
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Can you give me a few examples of those issues?
0 votes
Men can have problems, but they don't face the same institutionalized issues that women face. Same goes for white people, straight people, cis people etc. And yes, you can be privileged in some ways and not privileged in other ways.
0 votes
Yes It is .
0 votes
So if it's everyone for themselves in equal opportunity for those who pursue opportunities, how is there such a thing?
0 votes
I'm not going to waste any of my time crying for someone who as made it. Just as much as they are thinking of anyone else.
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with a dog tossed in
0 votes
Two wrongs don't make a right. Criminals don't obey the law. Don't take that out on law abiding citizens. Even if I looked like the guy, you still don't run up on a car with your guns out, ready to shoot at a moments notice. Heck, who knows what might have happened. And what will they tell my family?? Sorry?? Sorry aint cutting it. Find out first, approach the car in a professional manner, and then if it escalates to something more dangerous then they are trained to handle that. That's part of their job. If they cant do that, they shouldn't be police officers. Protect and serve. Not shoot and kill.
0 votes
and you're sure you didn't look even remotely like the guy they were looking for, or you didn't possibly drive the same car?

Is it wrong that Cops are now militarized? Yeah. The reason they have to be is also wrong, criminals using guerilla tactics.
0 votes
I live in a city, but not NYC. A smaller, rural city, upstate NY. There were no gangs up here, but its sliding more in that direction. But even still, There was no connection to any sort of gang in my instance. I was just driving down the street. Didn't break any rules, no running the red light, nothing. To have that happen, where if I did anything slightly provocative, well, that's just wrong. Even if they were looking for a ******** criminal, I wasn't that guy. Until they have to goto that level, cops should always ****** the best in people. Yes, its a crappy job, probably don't make enough doing it, but those are the breaks. You cant ****** every man is gonna kill you and treat every man as a criminal. And my point it, had I been white, I doubt that ever happens. But being black is reason enough to go run up on my car with guns drawn, without even pulling me over first, asking for my license, to even see if I was the man they were looking for.
0 votes
Let me ask you a question. Do you live in the city?

Drawing their weapons and running up to the car is procedure. Procedure put in place because you can no longer count on "decency" or morality. You have to be completely and totally safe and ready especially in the city. The cop who just walks up all nice and asks to see your license is asking to get shot when the window rolls down.

And that's a fact. The reason those procedures exist is because that's how police are getting killed. Being "nice", Politically correct, and taking serious risks in being nice and courteous to potential criminals.

You might've heard about the Muslim Brotherhood or the Black Panthers, or the Crips, or the Bloods, For Hispanics, there's MS-13 and Neta. These all exist throughout the country, primarily in the cities. NYC, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, even here in Virginia Beach there's a strong Crips/Bloods presence.

Chances are if you live in a city, there's a strong, violent gang that is primarily ********** with your race because the majority or all of its members share your race. It's called a precaution. If you've a shaved head or you're bald and white, you have a tendency to be called "skinhead". You should know what a skinhead is.
0 votes
Its not about stats. Its about living it. Its about being pulled over for dumb crap, stuff that shouldn't be pulled over. Its about cops running up to my car while my infant son was sleeping with their guns drawn, because they were looking for some criminal, and the only connection between me and that criminal is I am black. No height description, no weigh, no hair color, tattoo or anything. I mean, I'm driving a car. How is drawing their weapons and running up to the car their first response? So, when I hear about other parts of the country where white officers shoot and kill black men, I believe it.
0 votes
"but driving while black is more of a crime than driving while white." Do you have a clue as to how absurd and racist this suggestion even is?

"I've also seen white men yell back at officers, tell them what they aren't going to do, and get away with it" I see plenty of Black guys, especially in urban areas, doing this. I ****** see any whites.

"And don't let a black man be driving in a nice neighborhood or with a nice car." You realize how infrequent car stereotypes are now, right? And if a guy is driving around in a neighborhood that he doesn't live in, snooping around, of course it looks suspicious.

I'd like to see where you get your statistics from about Police Officers.
0 votes
Not true. A white man could just as easily be as dangerous as a black man and Police are trained to treat every case the same.

If one has connections to gang violence or a record of crime, however, that is something else, and it's a fact that there are more African Americans who are involved in Gang Violence.
0 votes
............. " ............. overall, .......... in an ideal World, Man and Women should be in parity to each other, not one, gender being inferior or superior to the other person, but in the real World, it's sad to realize, that bigotry and prejudice seems to be placed ahead of what is morally right and wrong, ......... for Everyone............ " ...........
0 votes
No, there is such a thing as white/male privilege. A cop pulls over a white man and relaxes, pulls over a black man and has his hand on the trigger. Of course, women haven't been on an even playing field for the longest, but they are definitely making strides. I don't believe in using a crutch though, if you work **** you deserve what you get, whether you white black or anything in between. But please, don't put your head in the sand and act like there is no such thing as privilege.
0 votes
It is pretty much saying white males are so smart, that they are privileged over other races which is ****** alone. Blacks and women can work their way up also.
0 votes
Yes, it appears to ****** that Blacks and Women can't. My neighbor kid hustles work all the time. He almost didn't graduate H.S. because he was making money. He'll do anything, yard work, detailing cars, painting, handy-man stuff and he's always busy. He does a great job reasonable and it's all word of mouth. He's white. Could a Black or Woman make it around here in this rural area doing work like that or with a skilled trade? You bet. Maybe it isn't like that in the city.
0 votes
You're right! It is so racist, ******, and wrong to ****** that whites have opportunities that blacks and women don't!
0 votes
It is racist, ****** and wrong.
0 votes
I agree with you 100%, that is the purpose of this post. I made the point in my description.
0 votes
Bull ....... I know Black people who have held and retired from high level paying jobs they worked their own way up in companies to achieve.

it would appear that someone has a grip because they have not been able to advance in their own working career and has nothing more than greed in their eye or a hatred towards another person because of skin colour .... That makes this question by seem racist due to the singling out of skin colour alone.

If a person reaches a high level paying position in life it is normally because they worked **** and earned that position and nothing else.

stop stirring up race hatred.
0 votes
Gee, I always had to get good grades and be the BEST applcant to be hired and PROMOTED. No Affirmative action skating or being part of a QUOTA or a "fashionable act." I did get some advantage once for being a Viet Nam vet.
0 votes
People of all races have been raised in poverty, abuse, violence and neglect in this country, yet they have still managed to climb their way out to achieve happy, fulfilling and productive lives. A difficult starting line is not a matter of race, it's a matter of upbringing. The finish line is also not a matter of race; it's a matter of choice, attitude, determination and **** work. This applies equally to all races. *** bless America!
0 votes
In my opinion, the idea of white-male privilege is largely a myth today in most fields and is rapidly disappearing nearly everywhere. I'm sure there are some professions and some geographic areas where the idea still lingers. And, according to most surveys, women are still being paid less than their male equivalents.
0 votes
Yes, but do white males actually have an "advantage" in the work industry, especially in government jobs, when the standards are lower for women? Or how about the gender/race quotas that they regulate?
0 votes
No. It give unfair advantage to those who didn't work for it or deserve it.
0 votes
Well I already answered and commented, but apparently ******** dumped my comment, so:

Institutionalized discrimination such as quotas, Affirmative Action, etc. IS THE WORST KIND! Plus how many years do we have to discriminate against white males before they have a just basis for demanding reparations and favoritism to remedy the damage done by doing so?

Yes, there are people who might treat you different because you're white, because you're male, but there are also people who will treat you different because you're NOT white, because you're FEMALE. Don't we have to do away with BOTH types of discrimination?

Any business or person who rejects someone due to race/***/ethnicity or any other silly reason is only cutting their own throat because, sooner or later, they'll be competing with them instead of working with them.

It's not rocket science.
0 votes
It's called race pimping.