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in Living by

Creation and the New Year

“In the beginning *** created the heaven and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)

It is appropriate for Christians to begin the New Year by referring
back to the beginning of the very first year.

The first verse of ***’s Word is
also its most important verse, since it is the foundation on which everything
else is built.

Even ***’s great work of salvation is irrelevant and futile
without His prior work of creation, for only the Creator of all things could
ever become the Savior of all things.

If a person really believes Genesis 1:1, he or she should have no
difficulty believing anything else in the Bible.

The very first object of
saving faith (
Hebrews 10:39) is the fact of
special creation by the word of *** (Hebrews 11:3).

The verse is comprehensive and scientific, viewing space (“the
heavens”) and matter (“the earth”) as functioning in a framework of time (“in
the beginning”).

This space/matter/time “continuum” (as scientists call it) has
not existed eternally, nor is it still being created, both of which heresies
are standard beliefs of all forms of evolutionary pantheism (including most of
the world’s religions and philosophies, ancient or modern). It was created—and
even completed in the past.

This foundation of all foundations is, clearly,
the only sure foundation upon which one should build a life, or an
organization, or anything.

A firm renewal of one’s commitment to special
creation, as literally recorded by divine revelation in the inerrant Word of
***, is thus the proper way to begin a New Year, or a new home, or a new
career, or a new family, or any phase of a Christian life.

This is the time to
confess and forsake all doubts and trust ***’s Word!

In the beginning of the
first year, *** created all things. At the beginning of this year, we should resolve
to believe and obey all things in His Word. HMM

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12 Answers

0 votes
Florida going *** marriage. The U.S Constitution punches *** again.
0 votes
Florida going *** marriage. The U.S Constitution punches *** again.
0 votes





0 votes
Thanks Jerry.
0 votes
................. " ................. thank you for this, ............ I saved it, with all the other favorite, posts that You send to me, as a reference I can read, when I need that particular information, for myself, or talking with persons, online or offline............ continue to have, a Happy New Year 2015.......... " ...............
0 votes
Thank you Jerry and *** Bless. Thanks for coming
0 votes
People who claim to not believe in *** tend to believe that their leaders are ***.
0 votes
That is true, they do rather they realize it or not. Thanks for coming
0 votes
The Bible Always Corroborates Itself Not Contradicting Like The Heathen Wants You To Believe. If You Earnestly Seek The Lord, *** Promises You WILL Find HIM.
I've got a good friend
who's probably a lot like you. He loves the Bible and does his best to
read it and live it every day. There's one problem. Some of his
friends say the Bible isn’t true, and he's not always sure how to respond.
So I've created a list of the best arguments I can find for
the credibility of the Bible. Interested? Okay, here are my Top 10 Reasons the Bible is True. (If I missed any that are important to you, please add them in the comment section below. I'd love to hear from you.)

Manuscript Evidence. There
are way more copies of the biblical manuscripts, with remarkable
consistency between them, than there are for any of the classics like
Plato, Aristotle and Socrates. "There is no body of ancient
literature in the world which enjoys such a wealth of good textual attestation
as the New Testament." F.F.
Bruce, The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?
Archaeological Evidence.
Again and again archaeological discoveries have verified the accuracy of
the historical and cultural references in the Bible. The more they dig, the more it confirms the
Bible. “...

The Bible Always Corroborates Itself Not Contradicting Like The Heathen Wants You To Believe. If You Earnestly Seek The Lord, *** Promises You WILL Find HIM.
I've got a good friend
who's probably a lot like you. He loves the Bible and does his best to
read it and live it every day. There's one problem. Some of his
friends say the Bible isn’t true, and he's not always sure how to respond.
So I've created a list of the best arguments I can find for
the credibility of the Bible. Interested? Okay, here are my Top 10 Reasons the Bible is True. (If I missed any that are important to you, please add them in the comment section below. I'd love to hear from you.)

    Manuscript Evidence. There are way more copies of the biblical manuscripts, with remarkable consistency between them, than there are for any of the classics like Plato, Aristotle and Socrates. "There is no body of ancient literature in the world which enjoys such a wealth of good textual attestation as the New Testament." F.F. Bruce, The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? Archaeological Evidence. Again and again archaeological discoveries have verified the accuracy of the historical and cultural references in the Bible. The more they dig, the more it confirms the Bible. “It is important to note that Near Eastern archaeology has demonstrated the historical and geographical reliability of the Bible in many important areas.” E.M. Blaiklock, The New International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology. Eyewitness Accounts. The Bible was written by people who witnessed the events it describes; many were persecuted or martyred but never changed their story. Would you die for something you knew was untrue? “It is no moderate approbation of Scripture that it has been sealed by the blood of so many witnesses, especially when we reflect that they died to render testimony to the faith …with a firm and constant, yet sober, zeal toward ***.” John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion. Corroborating Accounts. There are plenty of references in non-biblical sources to the events described in the Bible. The Jewish historian Josephus, born in 37 AD, “provide(s) indispensable background material for the student of…New Testament history. In them, we meet many figures well known to us from the New Testament. Some of his writings provide direct commentary on New Testament references.” J.D. Douglas, ed., The New Bible Dictionary. Literary Consistency. The Bible contains 66 books written over 1,500 years by 40 different writers but it tells one "big story" of ***'s plan of salvation that culminated in Jesus Christ. You can't even pass a secret around a circle of 12 people and get the same message at the ***. “There is indeed a wide variety of human authors and themes (in the Bible). Yet behind these…there lies a single divine author with a single unifying theme.” John R.W. Stott, Understanding the Bible. Prophetic Consistency. There are over 300 specific prophecies in the Old Testament that are fulfilled in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. “The very dimension of the sheer fulfillment of prophecy of the Old Testament Scriptures should be enough to convince anyone that we are dealing with a supernatural piece of literature….*** has himself planted within the scriptures an internal consistency that bears witness that this is his Word.” R.C. Sproul, Now That’s a Good Question. Expert Scrutiny. The early church had extremely high standards for what books were judged to be authentic and therefore included in the Bible. A book had to have been written by an Apostle or someone in their immediate circle, had to conform to basic Christian faith and had to be in widespread use among many churches. This was a careful process of “the people of *** in many different places, coming to recognize what other believers elsewhere found to be true”; these writings were truly ***’s word. G.J. Wenham, J.A. Motyer, D.A. Carson and R.T. France, The New Bible Commentary. Leader Acceptance. A majority of the greatest leaders and thinkers in history have affirmed the truth and impact of the Bible. "I believe the Bible is the best gift *** has eve
0 votes
You won't find any public or major university in the United States that teach the contents of the bible as history or archeology. Look up the catalog of classes of Creighton University or University of San Francisco if you don't believe me. Both are Jesuit schools.
0 votes
Thank you for coming. Oh I believe youy
0 votes
Thank you for all of this information Happy New Year. *** bless