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in Living by
A man in Ohio is reportedly " in love" with the car he bought in June 2012. While some of his family members share a great laugh, others like the groom's sister and her son rebel against him. So what do you think *********, what's your take on this legally odd couple?

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13 Answers

0 votes
Please support your claim that he has "legally" married his car.
0 votes
Does not surprise me. There are thousands of men who give their cars and trucks a lot more attention, care and love than they would any women in their life.
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You can't marry an object. That shouldn't be legal.
0 votes
Who is the real idiot ....the man who screws his car?
His wife who is jeleous of him or the lawyers that represent them?
0 votes
You cannot marry an inanimate object.
0 votes
Oh yes, this man should be able to legally marry an inanimate object, while I still could not marry my girlfriend if I so choose.
0 votes
Marrying a car is no more ridiculous than marrying a member of the same ***.
0 votes
And since when is marrying a consenting ***** who can actually legally agree to marry you more ridiculous than marrying an INANIMATE OBJECT? Let me remind you that you cannot have a consenting relationship with an object that is INANIMATE. You know, no brain, not a living thing, can't give consent. That clear enough? Good.
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When they get divorced who will get the kids?
0 votes
depends on what kind of car it is never marry a truck tho
0 votes
Triple facepalm