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in Living by

The answer to this may vary from country to country.

Absolutely yes, in the US. In the past public urination was charged as
indecent exposure. There was little thought to how that was worded until
the *** offender registry
became so broad that it included all who were convicted of this crime.
Thousands of people register for public urination, mooning, streaking
and many other acts that don't fit the image we have of a *** offender.
Only a few US states have changed the laws to correct the public
urination and *** offender registration issue. Some states had to spend
hundreds of thousands of dollars for the man power and costs of writing a
new law that separated public urination from indecent exposure. Those
that were already charged using the old law have to hire an attorney and
go to court and request relief from the registry. Most offenders have
trouble finding work so few have the financial means to hire an attorney
and be removed. Keep in mind that only a few states have made these
changes but others are beginning to see they have gone too far and that
reform is required in order to make the registry a useful tool again.
Currently with so many small crimes included law enforcement is
stretched too thin to monitor the truly dangerous offenders. This
increases the risk to ******** as the offenders that need to be
monitored are treated the same as those who did little if anything wrong
at all.

Currently, only 6 US states require a ***** to be
present for it to be an offense. The others will charge you no matter
what. A few states have taken steps to prevent this from happening but
most have not.

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26 Answers

0 votes
Try it, and you tell me.
0 votes
but I want to go to the bathroom

but I want to go to the bathroom
0 votes
Try to keep it in your pants, wildboy!!! lol
0 votes
i was drunk :) oh yeah kool aid man
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i don't think that should be an arrestable offense. around here they just a issue a ticket.
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no i got arrested for ******* twice just indecency
0 votes
Never heard of that. Public indecency (peeing in public) is a misdemeanor. You can only be put on the *** offender regsitry if a felony crime is committed.
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You can have him/her charged with being a peeping Tom, infringing on your personal freedoms lol.....The call of nature doesn't always hit in sight of a public toilets and let us face it. It also doesn't let you hold it back until you can actually find one....I am sure there is many women who have squatted down behind the most convenient bush in desperate circumstances....
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i guess if people don't want to see one peeing,they can turn their head lol. but what if your peeing in a bush and some kid pops up out of nowhere?
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Actually urination is classed as a public nuisance and is not a ****** offence. It is only an offence in America in thirteen states and not all 50. Two of the thirteen states only treat is as a ****** offence if ******** are present.
0 votes
That's pretty unique.
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LOL, yes.
0 votes
In Canada, there is no specific law against public urination, so, consequently, you couldn't be registered as a *** offender for it. I don't see why it should matter whether or not a ***** is present. ******** urinate too.
0 votes
I cannot speak for other women because I think I may be unique in this, but I often feel like I have to go badly, but then forget for hours and then I have to kind of hurry up!
The good side to Short Term memory loss.
Didn't your ma tell you to pee every time you were leaving the house with her, your whole life? And you said to her, but I do not have to go and she would say, try, but usually you didn't and then, right away after it was too late, you had to pee and she would say, see, you should have gone before we left, we are not near a bathroom now?
The good ******** listened, got in the habit and grew up not having the problem. lol
0 votes

I've been on road trips with females where I am dancing in my seat. When I finally pulled into a service station, restaurant, or some other place with restroom facilities They will almost always have to go too.

I'm always amazed with that, and leave feeling inferior.
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Planning ahead? No pun intended. lol
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I know, huh? I've always thought that amazing how you all do that.
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Why do men need to pee outside. Women find a ladies room. You are all pervs! lol
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Maybe, if one whips it out and pees, let's say across the street from a school yard during school hours.
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What guy hasn't taken a wiz outside. I agree that it should be ticketed, but use some common sense too.
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You can where I currently live. Yet you can be high on crack or heroine and not get arrested (unless you're carrying the drug or the items in which to use it on your person).. go figure.
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just goes to show ya republicans or tp's should be on the *** offender registry you cant be any more offensive to your own fellow citizens than claiming membership
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Perhaps this wouldn't be much of a problem if there were public restrooms available that weren't locked.
0 votes
Try it, and you tell me.
0 votes