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in Living by
<!-- <P><FONT style="color:#c00000;"><STRONG>in every known culture, angelic beings have been recorded in thier history</STRONG></FONT></P><P><FONT style="color:#c00000;"><STRONG>starting with Early Paleolithic man Recorded in Cave paintings of figures in the sky with light around them and Bird like wing on thier backs<br/><img src="https://images.********.com/profiles/0/0/2/0/1/0/6/6/1/angels-45172892138.jpeg" *****="nbsprecorded nbspcave paintings nbspfigures sky light bird wing thier backs" height="348" width="444" orig_size="444x348" alt="nbsprecorded nbspcave paintings nbspfigures sky light bird wing thier backs"/><br/><img src="https://images.********.com/profiles/0/0/2/0/1/0/6/6/1/angels-45172910425.jpeg" *****="nbsprecorded nbspcave paintings nbspfigures sky light bird wing thier backs" height="230" width="320" orig_size="320x230" alt="nbsprecorded nbspcave paintings nbspfigures sky light bird wing thier backs"/><br/><br/></STRONG></FONT></P><P><FONT style="color:#c00000;"><STRONG>the Cave Paintings have been Carbon Dated to be 50,000–40,000 years old</STRONG></FONT></P><P><FONT style="color:#c00000;"><STRONG>Angels have been found in Every Culture since Recorded Time</STRONG></FONT></P><P><FONT style="color:#0000bf;font-size:11px;"><STRONG><FONT style="color:#c00000;">Angels Far Predate Christianity by 40,000 years<br/><FONT style="color:#c00000;font-size:14px;"><br/><SPAN style="color:#333333;background-color:#f9f9f9;font-size:14px;"><FONT style="color:#ff0000;">I</FONT><FONT style="color:#ff0000;"><FONT style="color:#ff0000;">f</FONT> you look at the word ‘angel’ you’ll find it comes from the Greek word angelos which simply means messenger. Angels were first described in the Bible without wings and simply as men but then later on they sprouted wings and other differentiating features. It’s interesting in mythology, beings with wings have been around since, well, the days of the **** and *********.</FONT></SPAN><FONT style="color:#ff0000;"><br/><SPAN style="color:#333333;background-color:#f9f9f9;font-size:14px;"><FONT style="color:#6000bf;font-size:14px;">Going way back in time to ancient Sumeria, the Cradle of Civilisation, you’ll find carved stone images of humans with wings</FONT>.</SPAN></FONT><br/><br/><FONT style="color:#8000ff;font-size:14px;"><SPAN style="color:#333333;background-color:#f9f9f9;font-size:14px;"><FONT style="color:#6000bf;">Some 5000 years ago this civilisation had a religion based on many ****, ********* and spirits and they included the notion that everyone had their own personal ‘ghost’. This ghost is most likely the predecessor to today’s idea of guardian angels. Back in 3000 BCE altars were set up in homes to honour the personal ‘ghosts’.</FONT></SPAN><FONT style="color:#ff0000;"><br/><FONT style="color:#c00000;"><SPAN style="color:#333333;background-color:#f9f9f9;font-size:14px;"><FONT style="color:#bf005f;font-size:14px;">Semitic tribes conquered Sumeria and began to organise the ‘angels’ into </FONT><FONT style="color:#007f7f;font-size:14px;"><FONT style="color:#bf005f;font-size:14px;">some kind of hierarchy. An idea we still see in the mainstream religions</FONT>.</FONT></SPAN><FONT style="color:#007f7f;font-size:14px;"><br/><SPAN style="color:#333333;background-color:#f9f9f9;font-size:14px;"><FONT style="color:#6000bf;">It’s not just Sumeria that had winged messengers – they’re all over the world. Just think of Hermes, that Greek messenger of the ****</FONT></SPAN></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT style="color:#ff007f;font-size:14px;"><br/><br/></FONT><SPAN style="color:#333333;background-color:#f9f9f9;font-size:14px;"><FONT style="color:#ff007f;font-size:14px;">Angels appear in Pagan history and culture long before hebrews and christianity showed up and theres NO mention of Lucifer no mention of Fallen Angels no mention of Satan</FONT>.</SPAN></FONT></FONT></STRONG><br/><img src="https://images.********.com/profiles/0/0/2/0/1/0/6/6/1/angels-45173001013.jpeg" *****="benbsp5000040000 years angels culture recorded angels predate nbspchristianity 40000 years" height="480" width="640" orig_size="640x480" alt="benbsp5000040000 years angels culture recorded angels predate nbspchristianity 40000 years"/><br/></FONT></P><P><FONT style="color:#0000bf;font-size:11px;">Angels have been found in Pagan religions </FONT></P><P><FONT style="color:#0000bf;font-size:11px;">The ******* Gaea Often Appears with Wings <br/><img src="https://images.********.com/profiles/0/0/2/0/1/0/6/6/1/angels-45173322775.jpeg" *****="nbspchristianity 40000 years angels nbsppagan religionsnbsp ******* gaea appears wingsnbsp" height="496" width="660" orig_size="966x726" alt="nbspchristianity 40000 years angels nbsppagan religionsnbsp ******* gaea appears wingsnbsp"/><br/></FONT></P><P><FONT style="color:#0000bf;font-size:11px;">The ***** ****</FONT></P><P><FONT style="color:#0000bf;font-size:11px;">Cronus the *** of Time </FONT></P><P><FONT style="color:#0000bf;font-size:11px;"> </FONT></P><P><FONT style="color:#0000bf;font-size:11px;">Hyperion: ********** with light, both physical and that of wisdom. His ******** were all light-related: Eos (Dawn *******) , Helios (Sun ***), and Selene (Moon *******)</FONT></P><P><FONT style="color:#0000bf;font-size:11px;">Theia, Thia, Thyia: Ancient ******* whose name means divine</FONT></P><P><FONT style="color:#0000bf;font-size:11px;">Mnemosyne ******* of Memory <br/><img src="https://images.********.com/profiles/0/0/2/0/1/0/6/6/1/angels-45173026567.jpeg" *****="******* theia thia thyia ancient ******* divine mnemosyne ******* memorynbsp" height="367" width="550" orig_size="550x367" alt="******* theia thia thyia ancient ******* divine mnemosyne ******* memorynbsp"/><br/></FONT></P><P><FONT style="color:#0000bf;font-size:11px;">Nimue also known as lady of the lake she appears usually around lakes and Water and gave Perseus the admantine Sword to kill Medusa she also gave king Authur the Excalibur Sword<br/><img src="https://images.********.com/profiles/0/0/2/0/1/0/6/6/1/angels-45173056557.jpeg" *****="nbspwater nbsp gavenbspperseusnbsp admantine sword killnbspmedusanbsp nbspgave king authur thenbspexcaliburnbspsword" height="360" width="259" orig_size="259x360" alt="nbspwater nbsp gavenbspperseusnbsp admantine sword killnbspmedusanbsp nbspgave king authur thenbspexcaliburnbspsword"/><br/><img src="https://images.********.com/profiles/0/0/2/0/1/0/6/6/1/angels-45173071179.jpeg" *****="nbspwater nbsp gavenbspperseusnbsp admantine sword killnbspmedusanbsp nbspgave king authur thenbspexcaliburnbspsword" height="287" width="238" orig_size="238x287" alt="nbspwater nbsp gavenbspperseusnbsp admantine sword killnbspmedusanbsp nbspgave king authur thenbspexcaliburnbspsword"/><br/></FONT></P><P><FONT style="color:#0000bf;font-size:11px;">***** ******* Asteria she is ******* of the Stars and oracles and prophecies </FONT></P><P><FONT style="color:#0000bf;font-size:11px;">she appears in your dreams to tell you the future or the past</FONT></P><P><FONT style="color:#0000bf;font-size:11px;">The ******* Nyx who is the *****

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38 Answers

0 votes
I believe they come in different forms and are with us at times when we most need them.
forms times angels
forms times angels
0 votes
Ancient Aliens. What a crap show that was.
0 votes
or maybe
Aliens have wings
0 votes
Sorry, I think they are just wishful thinking made up by humans to help us overcome our insecurities. They are a back-up for when the main deity (depending on which one you believe in) is busy with hurricanes or George Rekers when he is in Europe on vacation.
0 votes
angels walked forms dawn
Angels are amazing being. So are vampires. If I could choose one supernatural being to stay as for my life, I would choose to be a Vampiric Angel.
0 votes
Angel is an abstract word!
Valkyrie if I remember means "corpsegodess" and they are in a way "angels" of Oden!
0 votes
Because we do not understand dimensions and things of that nature it would be impossible to know if they are angels or spirits or something completely different.
0 votes
ancient aliens meme angel
0 votes
i liked it funny and educational
0 votes
I believe their everywhere in many forms to help or keep watch over us
0 votes
They spent the entire season making false dichotomies. Since we do not know how it was done that is proof of aliens. I do not know how the Egyptians stood the obelisks up, that does not mean I can just claim that Moses shat them on his way out.
0 votes
Tells you something how Advanced our Ancestors were if we still cant figure out how they build them with our modern science today
0 votes
There seems to be continued improvements in the interperation of what some of the archeological finds are depicting, especially with regards to the Egyptian art showing people with wings, clawed feet etc. There is some writings that say these were real beings presented by the **** as a show of power over the actual life force of nature. ?control of DNA perhaps"

As for others there is considerable writings on the use of "messengers" by the "****" in different times, MOST preceding the currently understood times from the Sumer civilization to the present.

Again, a very well done documentation of what mankind has called "angels" and LOVE the song.
0 votes
Thank you
0 votes
I am pagen, and so is my family. We are not religious, but are spiritual. we believe we are influenced everyday by angels, fairies, spirits, or somethings of that kind. we make offerings to them in return of their guidance. I believe very stongly in angels.
0 votes
im Pagan and i wrote this blog lol
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0 votes
Angels do not exist, and as for the interpretation of cave art, it is just that, interpretation.
All art comes through man's imagination, and man has imagined **** and angels since the beginning of time, but that does not make them real.
0 votes
I have pictures of some of my spirit guides on my profile.
0 votes
Someone's been watching to much Ancient Aliens. And what's up with some of the answers. I mean what does "Angels have no philosophy but love" have to do with the price of tea in china.
0 votes
what is a ******* in one religion is a Demon in another

Lilith who is a Sumerian *** ******* ******* to Pagans but to the Jews and christians she is a Sucubus Demon

Cerrunos Celtic *** of the woods and a male fertility *** a *** to pagans

but Demon to jews and christians

Hades Greek *** of the underworld but Demon to Christians and jews

Hecate ******* of justice and balance but a demon to christians and jews
0 votes
We don't know that they are but they're with us.
0 votes
Personally, I don't believe them. It's a nice concept, though. These examples aren't so much examples of "history", as much as mythology. While mythology is a part of a people's culture and history, it's not exactly evidence of their existence.
And many of those same pictures have been used to support "aliens" visiting earth, as well.
0 votes
i dont know about angels but i deffinetly belive something looks out for us for sure
0 votes
I may not be Christian, but I still believe in angels.
0 votes
foolish men dont believe.I do.why they dknt believe because the vail hasnt been taken off there spiritual eyes.in the bible it talks about an apostle through the spirit of *** saying foolish galations who has bewitched you.I know thy are amongb us.since *** created everything known and unknown whoesxvto say e.t. doesnt exsiste .ive had visions of the new world order that is about to unfold.ive seen real domons in day light .ive seen my body laying on my bed and being in th presence of an angel so powerful his light illuminated the whole room .answering the question .yes I do beieve.
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0 votes
I think there are different spirits out there that can either be beneficent or malevolent.

People of different faiths have names to call these creatures. And for Christians, Angels are the beneficent ones while Demons are the malevolent ones.

Humans like putting names on things. It's like putting some kind of certainty to "***" uncertainess like for instance creatures that **** in the night.
0 votes

What could be angels for some could be fairies or an episode of neural malfunction to others.

It's whatever you believe in.
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I do
0 votes

they actually caught a real fairy on camera
click and watch
0 votes
Spirits take different forms, and every culture and faith has their own words for them. Quite frankly, I think it's a little arrogant to believe that one is more real than any other. But, that's how some people think. *shrug* Their choice.
0 votes
This is a nice collection you posted... beautiful artwork, thanks.
0 votes
angels next to us
0 votes
no imaginations but instant reality i love
0 votes
I think it was Robert Heinlein had it right in the book Number of the Beast.
0 votes
there is no beast no satan no **** no lucifer ENOUGH stop believing in talking snakes and magic apples
0 votes
good thing you know what your talking about then. lol im just kidding. thats really cool!