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in Living by
As a mortgage account manager, I can tell you that it is very possible to do so. There are 100% financing programs available, and down payment ********** programs which make it possible. Get more help here: First time homebuyer loans

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4 Answers

0 votes
If you are an illegal immigrant or poor...getting a home loan (that will ultimately be defaulted on) is a breeze..'

0 votes
Great... because we apparently learned NOTHING from the last/current economic meltdown (which we're still suffering from by the way).
0 votes
...all of you slimy, crooked, scumbag as$***** are what has made this country the horrible nightmare that it is for the working class...I've reported your sorry, worthless as$ as a scammer, you greasy son-of-a-b!tch...any questions??
0 votes
Of course you can Mr. Bouthner! That's why so many have been foreclosed on in your country! Big banks and folks like you just LOVE making money from people no matter what harm you do to them.
Just keep posting spam here till you get dumped. Creep.